Tuesday 4 January 2011

Le Petit Nicolas.

If you are a teacher like me then you probably enjoy watching movies that have to do with education,school,students.
Le Petit Nicolas was tonight's family entertainment and we really enjoyed it, the three of us again! It was funny,with a great script,(of course the book it is based on is excellent). My son has read all of the books of the series. I liked all the little boys in the film who were excellent actors full of mischief and personality. I also loved the little neighbourhood it was being filmed at and the amazing furniture inside the house and inside the school classroom. An excellent movie for grown ups and children alike,I promise you, you will laugh all the time!
The other thing we enjoyed today was our lunch (and leftover dinner!). It was lobster spaghetti! It was the first time I ever tried lobster and that's why I am mentioning it here. It was from the Atlantic, deep frozen and pre cooked and I made it with spaghetti. It was a little fella as my friend Angela from Canada said and of course it wasn't enough for three people so we made it with spaghetti to fill ourselves! Lobster is a popular dish for the holidays in Canada and the States as my friends there tell me.We accompanied it with a small cold octopus salad. The octopus was fished by my dear in summer but since it was too small we promised ourselves we won't catch so small a creature ever again if we want them not to become extict!


Margie Oomen said...

we ate lobster on sunday, it was delicious

Ariadne said...

We ate crabs yesterday!LOL!