Saturday 31 January 2015

Our trip to the U.S.A.(18)- Acton Public Library

On 7th July we started our morning with a hearty breakfast and then went to various places.
 First to Acton Public Library, Old Saybrook.
I loved the amazing mural in the entrance of the library with all the history of the place made by Marion Grebow.You can read about it here.

We walked inside the library a bit. First at the children's library where I was so happy to spot a Greek book at once.
 The three little wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas.

 I also loved this quilt on the corner of the library.
 We then proceeded to the rest of the library.
 There was a temporary small exhibition of the LEGO made pieces of one of the people of the town.

 And there was an exhibition of sculptures too.
 I also loved the "Take free books" shelf in the entrance of the library and of course had to take a couple.No wonder my suitcase was so heavy on the flight home.
We promised to go back to the library on their bazaar day!

Thursday 29 January 2015

There were good November!

I was a birthday girl yesterday and I spent a huge part of the day answering e-mails, the mobile, the phone, facebook mail and it was such great fun! I answered more than 200 messages! Thank you everyone, family, relatives and friends, colleagues and pupils,old and new, classmates and pen pals, facebook friends, sea glassers and bloggers, crafty workshop friends and etsy greek street team friends,drama club friends and campers, beach friends and practice students, and so on and so forth!
It was magical to see so many people taking the time to write a message public or private. Thank you!
And as there were other things to do yesterday, more important than celebrating my birthday, we didn't celebrate it! But still I enjoyed it because of all the people who communicated with me in one way or another.
Now as I am very much behind with my blogging I will show you things we did in November!Right it's almost February!Wow! How time flies!
So in November...
we watched one more Broadway musical  Beauty and The Beast (like we had watched The Cats last year). It was rather expensive but comparing it to the American prices of theatrical performances I realised it was a good price to pay to see a Broadway musical in my own city! And it was a very good performance too!

...we were invited by our friend who owns Koperti Kindergarten School to meet Bikos whom he adopted from Stray Dogs Thessaloniki, where we adopted Barca from! Isn't he sweet?

 And he lives in such a beautiful colourful environment!

...we had a shadow puppet performance in the same school with lots of assistants.

 ...we visited an exhibition at the Museum of Byzantine Culture about Ancient Philippi.

 And finally we celebrated hubby's 60th birthday at Penindaraki restaurant! It was great!
 My Godson even played bouzouki!
 And Bill the chef did his best to make us happy!

November was a great month after all! There are more blogposts to come though!