Tuesday 25 January 2011


Greek cinematography is excellent but not always recognised.Of course we have Theo Angelopoulos and his masterpieces but we haven't had a nomination for the Best Foreign Language movie in the Oscar Academy Awards since 1977. And yes after so many years a Greek movie made it to the nominations. It is George Lanthimos' film Dogtooth. I had seen the film when it was on our cinemas. It is a strange film,a very original script,and it is a great food for thought film.I won't give out details but if you happen to be able to watch it don't miss it. A very different film.
I quote :"Culture Minister Pavlos Geroulanos, in a statement, said the nomination "goes beyond the sphere of cinema, arts and culture. It concerns an entire country, its people, a new generation of creators who personify the 'Yes, it can be done' in difficult period."  I agree.
Today the mail brought lovely things.
Sometime ago I had seen the collaboration of Arounna and Jill of Today I saw blog and I really liked the four seasons that were the result of this collaboration.They arrived today and I will have them framed the soonest.They are lovely although the photo does not do credit to them.
 There was also a colourful parcel today from Portugal. And it included two beautiful delicate pieces of art by otchipotchi Paula Valentim. Paula had made those a long time ago as tests for her final diploma work which is not reproduced.She was very kind to send me those two last pieces and I am lucky and grateful. I love her work. These are her shells empty....
 ...and here filled with some multis,the exceptional sea glass pieces from Seaham,England sent to me by another generous sea glass friend Joanne.Don't they look lovely in Paula's shells?
 And here are her doily pebbles at my Christmas night dinner table.

Going back in time here are a couple of photos I took this morning at school. I love finding details and corners at school and enjoy their beauty.
My coffee warm and bitter sweet with a little milk next to the window. I don't have that much time to sit down though.
 A lovely blown glass blue vase and a potato urchin shell and a bowl filled with shells and pebbles both in the headmaster's office.Aren't they lovely?
 And on the way back home I stopped to take pics of two great graffitti pieces on the wall of my son's High School. Aren't they great? I don't think I have ever seen a better aubergine!But why an aubergine?



Unknown said...

I love the shells with the coloured pebbles.
And yes, an aubergine graffiti is quite unusual!:)

Margie Oomen said...

what gorgeous treasures , found and mailed to you from makers far and wide.

Ariadne said...

The colourful sea glass if from Seaham England.
Thank you for your comments ladies.

Bianca Jagoe said...

The stationery looks fabulous and the graffiti superb! A beautiful aubergine :D Hope you're having a lovely day Ariadne x

Ariadne said...

Thank you Bianca,it was nice indeed!

Marabeth said...

Your blog, on this day, taught me a new word! Aubergine.....I looked at the 2 photos and thought.....aubergine - another word for Santa or another word for an eggplant. So Google came to the rescue! Love having knowledge of new words. I'm sure I will run across this word some day in a crossword puzzle. Thank you Ariadne!

Ariadne said...

I didn't know you didn't use that word Marabeth!I rarely say eggplant!