Tuesday 4 January 2011

Although our homes are much too far away our hearts are next-door neighbors.

The day started with snow, light unfortunately as we like some snow here but it is never enough. We visited a big mall, well not to shop but to change some gifts that weren't big enough for the men in the family. The mall was beautifully decorated with hot air balloons and lots of Christmassy deco.We also enjoyed lunch there. I wasn't going to buy anything for me but I could not resist a beautifully crocheted cushion, crocheted things are my favourite at present and how I wish I could crochet but unfortunately when my grandma wanted to show me I snobbed it. I learnt counted cross stitch from her though!Thank God!

Anyway the day continued with me putting down the Xmas tree. It is such a boring activity. I really don't like it and I don't usually put it down as early as this year but I had enough time today so I thought it was a good time to do it. It gave me the chance to do other things ,too, like cleaning some kitchen cupboards and putting things in boxes. I also enjoyed a hot cup of chocolate which my friend Angela from Canada sent me. It was great drinking it and answering some e-mails and having only some candles lit and listening to music and being alone! It was a great time!

 The mail today brought a lovely card from my friend Marabeth from Connecticut.(She is a chapter in herself so I am not going to say anything more about Marabeth now!) Anyway her card reminded me of the essay theme we wrote when we sat for the entrance University exams back when I was 18. The theme was "Never were the roofs of the houses so close but the hearts of the people so far apart". Well the card has totally the opposite meaning but that's what it reminded me of. I loved it and I loved the angel mini card in it, too. I will keep this in my purse along with an angel coin my sea glass friend Bev sent me from California.Today I also got some stuff for crossstitch from my friend Kim from England. She just wanted to initiate me in stitching again! I will, soon I hope!


Margie Oomen said...

you have a very special postman too

Marabeth said...

Beautiful pool of water in the mall. Do people throw coins into it and make wishes? Lovely Granny Square pillow too!

Ariadne said...

She is a postwoman and unfortunately they change so often that I have no time to get to know them all!
Yes Marabeth some people do throw coins for good luck in it,but not many!