Friday 2 September 2011

15th to 17th July

 I was crazy about this huge red beautiful flower of my neighbour.
 Three funny books I read.
 Andrea White's Surviving Antarctica.This was my son's but I read it myself.
 We had a great party at the summer house all residents together.
 I love my glass paperweights.
 A pink marble sea heart stone.
 Eating at home the rest of the food from the residents' party. That's my potato salad, spentzofai (A Volos specialty), some macaroni and some edible shells.
My fireplace mantle collection of sea stones. The newest one looks like a shoe from an ancient marble statue.It looks but it isn't,no worries.


Unknown said...

Thank You for sharing all these little moments with us!

Seamaiden said...

Wonderful! And that pink marble heart is STUPENDOUS!!!