Monday 24 October 2011

The kindness of people(2)

I met John and Juliana on the sea glass sites that I follow. They love Greece and visit here often. They happened to choose a village in Chalkidiki in their previous visit here and as they were near Thessaloniki we arranged to meet.
It was great meeting some more sea glass friends! We had lunch together and spent some time sea glassing but did not really find much. They were so kind to bring me sea glass and other gifts from Scotland and they also sent me a parcel recently to thank me for our meeting again! This is so very very kind.
Here is what the parcel included.
 A vintage little glass saucer with the symbol of Scotland on it,the thistle.
 A birthday notebook.
 With lovely pictures in it.
 A fantastic Antler bag in a ruby red colour which I have been using ever since at school as it is the right size and shape for my things.Lots of beautiful cards and bookmarks.
 I especially loved this card where sea glass and little shells are used for this mosaic.
 The parcel included some lovely sea glass in colours I don't find here like pink !

 I loved those pottery pieces which remind me of the four seasons!
 I adored the marbles as I never find them here!They are in great colours too!
 Lovely shells,too!

Thank you so very much dear friends. I hope we will meet again!


Marabeth said...

Such thoughful sea glass friends you have. The pinks are truly amazing.

Seamaiden said...

Wonderful gifts and friends! Thank you for sharing your treasures with us, Ariadne. :)