Sunday 9 October 2011

English books and the city centre.

At last this weekend I finished my seminar essays.....................I really needed to finish them this weekend otherwise I would have it in my mind the whole week.The deadline is on the 15th of October.
Here are a couple of photos of some books for the English Lending Library I am starting at school. The Parents' Association gave me some money to buy the books. Here is what I chose.

 And here are some photos of the area in the city centre where the English bookshop is.

 A great advertising way!

 Isn't this door amazing?


Dream on the wave said...

Hi Ariadne!
That is quite a good selection of books. I hope many children will read them. As you can see....I am back! Winter can begin now. I am also back in your neighbourhood, getting both my sons settled. Maybe we can meet up?
Msny greetings, Frieda

Marabeth said...

Great selection and variety of topics..............something for everyone. I wish it didn't cost so much to mail items because I can always find books along this line at tag sales and our library even has a give-away section. But....books can be heavy and up the weight for posting.

Marabeth said...

PS........congrats on completing your project. It must be a good feeling to get it done and I'm sure you did an outstanding job!

Seamaiden said...

Excellent choices for reading, Ariadne! So excited about the lending library - a valuable and important resource for children everywhere, but especially where they need it most.
Congratulations on getting your thesis out of the way - I hope all went well with it.