Monday 3 October 2011

Bright Star

I think it was Edgar who had mentioned this film by Jane Campion so I managed to find it and watched it this evening.It is about the poet John Keats and his love affair to Fanny Brawne.
I loved the movie and that made me open my Norton Anthology of English Literature (the most amazing collection of English and American Literature in four volumes that we were given free of charge when we were students at the University) and read about him and his poetry. It is amazing that scholars have decided that Keats' poetry was major and by the age of his death at 25 he had written more and better than Chaucer and Milton and Blake. Imagine what he would have written if he had lived.
Anyway the film is very romantic and it also shows a bit about embroidery and sewing as Fanny loved to stitch and sew and do cross stitch.
I loved these two line from his poem Sleep and Poetry
We rest in silence, like two gems upcurl'd
In the recesses of a pearly shell.
And I made a photo of it.
Shell by Lynne, seaglass is mine.


devonseaglass said...

Lovely story and photo. Keats used to live in Teignmouth. My favourite sea glass beach is close by. The house where he lived was sold recently.

Seamaiden said...

Wonderful, dear friend. All of it. :)