Monday 10 October 2011

A giveaway win.

I don't take part in many blog giveaways as I don't follow too many blogs regularly but I do follow those that are on the right side of my blog posts regularly among them some cross stitch blogs.
My first ever cross stitch blog was Becky Bee's Stitching Hive. It was a couple of years ago when I realised I wanted to do more cross stitch and I wondered if people in blogland deal with cross stitch and blogging.That was when I found Becky and have been following her ever since. She had a difficult time all these last years but she always manages to find comfort in her stitching. And through her I found Edgar's blog my all time favourite cross stitch blog that also includes sightseeing,cooking and thrift store finds all in a great balance and with great taste.
The other day Edgar mentioned a cross stitch blog Kathy's Sit and Stitch that was having a giveaway so there I took part by leaving a comment and unbelievably so I won,me and Edgar did!LOL!
And all the way from Canada there came very very quickly a lovely parcel that included so many beautiful things.
Here they are.....
 A Cross 'N Stitch Blossoms and Bows pattern, and a little Prairie Schooler Santa that I will definitely stitch as little gifts this Xmas.
 An amazingly coloured pair of scissors with an attached fob with a beautiul lighthouse charm in the end of it!I at first did not see the lighthouse!I was looking at it upside down silly me and was trying to think what it was and I thought it was an Indian's axe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Beautifully coloured Ayrloom Fibres threads in Tropicana and Peppermint stick colours and two square pieces of linen in absolutely gorgeous colours to stitch on. I will have to save these for very special stitching!
 A sweet card too from sweet Kathy!Thank you very very much!
 I am itching for some cross stitching here soon!


Kathy A. said...

Hi Adriana - I am so happy you liked your giveaway. Enjoy your goodies.
I too am a huge fan of Edgar's blog and have followed it forever.
Wishing you all the best.

Marabeth said... are lucky!! Maybe you should find more contests to enter like one that has a flight to the States :) I love the way the threads are packaged into a braid.

Seamaiden said...

Exciting!!! Congratulations on your win and all those sweet little treasures. :)