Tuesday 31 January 2012

My birthday...

...was on the 28th January!
My 6th Graders surprised me on the last hour of school with a birthday cake and a gift and a party, yes a party! No lesson, balloons and pop corn and music and fun! It was good that it was the last hour and some parents, members of the Parents' Association helped in the organising of the party. The music teacher brought the other 6th grade class too and we had fun!
Here is my gift from them, a shirt and lovely long brown jacket. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me so no more photos! It has been years that students had surprised me like that and I really enjoyed it!
At home as soon as the hour struck twelve hubby decided to give me his gift. He put the happy birthday song on his laptop and then gave me his gift!! About this later in the year!
Here I should add that a day before my birthday I received a little parcel from another sea glass friend Terry or Watercolorsky! She has a lovely shop too.
She sent me a lovely pair of earrings!

Then the next day which was my birth day my mum brought me a lovely bouquet of flowers.

I received lots of phone calls from friends and relatives too and a sweet kiss from my son!.
Then in the evening we went to the cutting of the New Year's pie with the Drama club. There we had sweets with my colleagues and friends and they gave me this lovely pair of earrings.

Don't they look great on Paula's otchipotchi stones?


Lisa said...

So happy you had a nice birthday!!! and you got great presents.

Laura said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and received some very nice gifts! I love the otchipotchi stone too.

Carole said...

Happy Birthday!!What a lovely celebration you had. You are truly blessed from your students, to your family and friends.


Dream on the wave said...

Happy Birthday! What a nice surprise of your students, they love you a lot, that is for sure.
I really like the sea glass earrings!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

Happy Birthday!! Glad you had such a nice day. :)

Margie Oomen said...

happy belated birthday my friend
we still wait in anticipation for the arrival of our first grandchild.
I guess it will be born in feb now:)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! :) It is great you had a good day.
Your presents look lovely!

paula said...

happy, happy birthday! (sorry I'm late!) ... so you are also an aquarian? ;)
I hope you had a wonderful time and all the best for another year ... lots of hugs! *

ps> thank you for being so kind! ...