Thursday 5 January 2012

A Christmas tree exhibition.

Yesterday morning I went for a while to the Goethe Institute which is in my neighbourhood next to the Ethnological Museum. There was a designer's Christmas tree exhibition. It wasn't really anything special but you could get an idea of how people's artful minds work. And you could laugh!
Here are photos I took there.
This was the poster of the exhibition and this little tree was lovely! I wanted to light it!
 The Goethe Institute.
 The gardens.

 Another exhibition poster.
 Be careful! Christmas!
Everything can become a Christmas tree!There were some paintings!
 I loved this one, so so simple to make!
 A haircut!
 Logos and trademarks!
 A fish bone!
Glass bottles.
 Pencil sharpening bits.
 Melted wax.
 Wine glasses one on top of the other.Or were these left over from the opening ceremony?
A book can be cut into a Christmas tree!
 And a Japanese artist made a Coca cola bottle into a tree!
 Look at this one!
 And that was called Atlas.
Chilly peppers turned into a Christmas tree!
 And that's how Christmas trees end up into ashes!
 Unless you hang yourself from one of them!


Pesky Cat Designs said...

My favorite is the matchstick tree. I want to light it as well!

Kathy A. said...

Just so very funny! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa said...

some people are so artistic. Very nice and funny.

Seamaiden said...

Such fun!!! :)