Thursday 2 February 2012

Thank you my teachers....

Thank you all for your wishes on my birthday! I really appreciate it when people remember me! I try to remember people's birthdays too but I admit I sometimes forget!
Today is my Godson's birthday,too! Happy birthday Elias!
We spent two days off school on Monday and Tuesday and with the Drama Club we made a presentation for the pensioners teachers invited by our administration office. The presentation included singing, dancing, poetry reading and a little acting. Also hubby added his shadow puppetry and it was great fun. All pensioners enjoyed it very much!
What I enjoyed most was that I met old colleagues who got pension. But I also met a Physics teacher of mine and was so happy to aknowledge his teaching abilities from stage that he was moved! Great teachers are always appreciated. He used to tell me to study Physics but well I had my mind on English teaching from very young! And I am not sorry about it! It gives me great pleasure!Inspite being so underpaid!
Here are some photos not very good ones I am afraid!

1 comment:

krayolakris said...

Happy Birthday from Florida! I saw your name on Edgar's blog. Have a wonderful year!