Thursday 22 December 2011

Post and postage

I love letter writing, pen pals, letters and parcels, sending and receiving. I used to have 100 pen pals as a teenager and I still have some of them who can still stand my delays in answering. The last couple of years I have lots of new type pen pals, people I exchange e-mails with, or counteract on facebook (not that often), or the sea glass sites or on blogs. And with these people we have started exchanging parcels with sea glass and small gifts and things have evolved from there in great beautiful friendships.
I decided this year to send fewer parcels for Christmas and try to save on postage as postage has gone high again and the whole financial situation is troubling me.
Still I managed to post in December 16 parcels and 17 letters/cards!!!!!!!Some of them were already received and aknowledged and I am happy about that. Unfortunately I still have a dozen more to write and send!!!!!!And I don't think I will manage that before Christmas so maybe I will have to do it at my relaxing time during the holidays.
I am glad I have started receiving my Christmas mail too, yesterday for example I received 6 Christmas cards together, and today four parcels, wow!
I am sorry some people will not receive this year anything from me, or they will receive something very little. I had to cut down on my list!
Here are some photos of outgoing mail.

 And here are a couple of photos of etsy purchases which will be gifts.
I found this etsy shop Lila Ruby King by chance when reading Star of the East blog and realised it is someone in Greece. I love her art and here is what I got. A card made from little pieces of fabric. I gave that for framing.I also bought a pdf file from her with beautiful patterns that I am going to use at school!
I loved her map inside envelope and the extra cards she sent me too.

 This is a pencil case by Jill Wignall of Today I saw. It is handprinted and sewn. And comes in a lovely handmade envelope,too.
The inside fabric of the pencil case is lovely too.


Dream on the wave said...

Really nice buys from etsy. I love how they always make an effort in the nice packaging as well.

Laura said...

Wow! 100 pen pals at once?! I am impressed.
And I love the birdie tags on the envelopes.
Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

once again, everything you've bought is so delightful, I love it all myself !

Unknown said...

Ariadne, just being one of your friends is a wonderful gift in itself! I think I was amongst the 100 penpals, and thank you for having kept me....I am bad at writing , but enjoy reading your blog and letters and cards when I get them! Take Care, thinking of you during these festive moments and know how hard it must be for everyone in your country. You know that the Greek people have a Special place in my heart, and I feel very sad with what you are going through economically.Hope the New Year will be better. Lots of love, xxx