Thursday 1 November 2012

To Skiathos and more

I know it isn't very nice when so many people have been affected by Sandy Storm for me to show off with my beautiful sunny pictures of my long weekend but it is true when Sandy hit the East coast of the States so hard I was on a relaxing holiday!
Actually only yesterday evening and today I had some time to look thoroughly into reports and news on the Internet and see what happened and I was devastated to find out that a whole area very near my friend Marabeth's in Connecticut was destroyd, but thank God she is ok!
So on Friday we left Volos and took the boat to Skiathos. It was early in the morning, a very glorious morning!

 The boat didn't have too many people.

 When we arrived my friend Frieda was waiting for us.
As soon as we entered her house I was impressed by this magic, breathtaking view of the sea in such proximity to the living room!

And of course I looked around at the various elegant artifacts she has and started taking pictures!
This wonderful sampler of her native country was really impressive!
 And all those Dutch style dishes too.
 Lucky her puppy was such a sweetheart, we immediately got along so well.
 Frieda treated us to great coffee and carrot cake of which I still need to take the recipe!Delicious!
 My observant camera went up and down the whole house taking photos. I loooved this painting although not everyone agrees with my taste!LOL!
 And guess what this is!An old wooden school bag from the Netherlands!
 And this amazingly detailed counted cross stitch piece really impressed me too!
 Frieda and I met through the sea glass world and sea glass was everywhere in her house!
 Art of my taste was everywhere too!Like this picture by Tascha!
 More special sea glass pieces!
 And the garden was so inviting!I was eager to go....sea glassing!

But more about the rest of our first day on Skiathos later!


beachcomber said...

what a gorgeous home & garden! i love the seaglass collection.

butterfly said...

What beautiful photos, is it still warm over there, it is getting so cold here.
Your friend has a beautiful home. hugs.

Lisa said...

We got hit by the Hurricane. We had no damage only lost power for 4 days. So many people died here. People without power still. This was my first and hopefully last Hurricane i see.

Anonymous said...

beautiful trip to skiathos island!
nice home of your friend with lovely decorations & lucky is so cute!