Thursday 3 January 2013

Calendars and diaries for the New Year!

I love keeping a diary. A handwritten one. And even my blog is like a diary to me! And I love looking at the calendar everyday.Not a virtual one but a real one on  my wall next to my desk. I am so lucky to have good friends who sent me two this year.
Here they are.
From dear Kim in England, a long time pen pal I met years ago in Kent.Thanks Kim!
From my sea glass friend Andria, a seaglass inspirational calendar too. You can find one in her shop.Thanks Andria.
My diary this year is this little book which is a pupil's diary with literature texts. I bought it cheaply at the book bazaar some months ago. It does not have dates so you can write in it whenever you feel like and you can also read interesting literature texts in it every time you write.
Last weekend hubby and I offered a free shadow puppet performance at a community project in a village outside Thessaloniki to benefit poor people. There was a giveaway bazaar there too.I got some things for free among them this vintage book which I also had as a kid. It shows the seasons and months. I loved finding it again.
January(because Santa comes on New Year's Eve in Greece!)
Anyway those of you who prefer vistual calendars I will show you two lovely ones.
This one is on my computer since yesterday by Geninne Zlatkis.
Or if you prefer this one by Evdokia in Haveakookie.
Enjoy the new year once again!


Anonymous said...

i like calendars too!
i prefer the one that are notebooks
so i can write down things to remember!

thank you for the link to
my desktop calendar ariadne!

Annuk said...

Lovely calendars! And I do love writing a daily handwritten journal too!!! :)
How lovely it must have been been to find that book from your childhood again...