Friday 21 September 2012

Sunset after the storm

All of a sudden the sky became totally black yesterday afternoon at about five and it started raining cats and dogs in seconds. It lasted more than an hour and washed the spider out...oh no that's another thing!
Anyway, after the storm we took a walk at the sea front to admire the clear horizon and the wonderful sunset.
The photos were taken with hubby's mobile as I was silly enough to forget my camera at home and all the colours are as they were seen.

 Clouds in various hues
 a very clear horizon

 the surface of the sea looked like a mosaic

 That white cloud between the two lands took my breath away

 the wind was blowing

 and the sun was shining horizontally on the trees and on us

 the lily pond was wet with rain water!
 the leaves looked like stickers,like post-it on the surface of the pond
 the pavement tiles were wet

 shadows everywhere

 the sun setting was shining on the blocks of flats on the sea front opposite us and lit every single windowpane on the hill

 some fishermen were fishing
 and the skies got ablaze

 the sea and the sky and the moon all in one
 and the clouds in flames
 we loved spotting people admiring what we also admired

(None of the photos was enhanced in colour)
Have a great weekend!


butterfly said...

Beautiful photos love them all. hugs.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the amazing pictures.. I enjoy them every time.. :)

Lisa said...

Beautiful. the colors are awesome.
Going to storm here today, I think I will go out after the storm and look for a pretty sky.

Ruth Ludlam said...

Great photos! This just shows that sometimes a phone camera is good enough.

Ariadne said...

Thank you all for your comments!AriadnefromGreece!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Gorgeous photos! Nothing like a good rain storm to clear the air and create a sky full of beauty. Glad you were able to be out there and appreciate it. Take care, Laura