Friday 28 September 2012

Last weekend-at the beach and a wedding

Last weekend was filled with things to do and places to be and people to see.
So before we come to this weekend's adventures here are a couple of photos from the previous one.
On Saturday morning we went to the beach house to close it for the winter. I had to do cleaning and emptying the fridge but managed a short walk at the beach as well although we did not stay long.
Well I have to start from my neighbour who planted a tree which in due time will block some of my sea view(why don't people take into account their neighbours?) His other plants though that don't block my view were absolutely gorgeous. His yuka plants are blooming!Why mine isn't?And why did my little olive tree die?

The sea was rough and not much to be found due to the waves.
 Tourists are still around....

 I love that shiny surface.
 I found a little bit of sea glass.

 I finished this fantastic book that weekend.
Saints and Demons by Giannis Kalpouzos. It is a historical novel about my birthplace Constantinople.
I had also read his other book Imaret which was excellent too.
 And returning back in the evening to the city we went to our drama club director's son's wedding at the municipality hall square.
 The lady who makes our drama club scenery for the stage had arranged all the beautiful lanterns and plants.


butterfly said...

Hi sweetie, your photos are fantastic.
We live near the sea put it's not that pretty.
Your sea glass where do you think it comes from you have so many beautiful colours. hugs.

prpltrtl946 said...

That last photo is AMAZING!!!

Is that your night sky with no fireworks or anything?!! It looks like you can see planets!! WOW!!