Sunday 2 September 2012

Again back in July.

I so enjoyed July. Somehow the sea and the sky wanted to compensate me for the lost dream of the trip to the States and kept so so beautiful most of the time.
I started the Rosebud Wreath.
 I spotted two beautiful wooden boats filled with scouts that came to our beach for a night.

 I found(yes I did) one of the gemstones Elysabeth Williamson of partner yoga had thrown into the sea!
 I found a piece of a probably fossilized sea urchin.
 There the five gemstones all together.
 Another fabulous piece.
 Hubby made another shadow puppet. This time it is a ship.
 I played around with shadows.

 I continued stitching.
 I made an extravagant purchase (for my financial situation of course!)
Ever since I had seen my friend Frieda's bag from the dutch sisters I wanted one of my own. And as soon as I saw this amazing piece I bought it! It will be my winter school bag. Maybe some of my students will be inspired to stitch or to read from it! The bag arrived wrapped in a beautiful paper and with this little heart ornament!Isn't it lovely?

 It is made out of a vintage needlepoint embroidery.
 I spotted a great tree trunk on the beach but have to space to take it to.
 I walked late after the sun set.
 More stitching and sea glass.
 I drank lots of this delicious juice from Mexico!
 These are glowing phials that fishermen use at night to attract fish.
 I took pictures of my neighbour's huge flowers.

We barbequed a lot this summer, pork chops, sardines, Frieda's tuna, and peppers.
 The wreath goes on!
 Some sea glass is like jelly!

 Patience, it will end!
 Lovely colours!

I read three of Jane Austen's books (Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion)
 Hubby snorkeled and caught some fish.
 Almost there!
 Rainbows appeared out of nowhere!
 I added one more framed cross stitch, the sea gulls!
 Almost again!
 Isn't this sea tile face funny?
 And I loved this black and white stone heart!


prpltrtl946 said...

You have an amazing variety of sea glass and rocks!! The colors of your rocks are wonderful!! And your rock heart is something special!!! Lucky you!! 8*)

And Lucky US for seeing your beautiful photos!! 8*)

Lisa said...

Wow you found some beautiful pieces of sea glass and rocks. Very nice!!!Again you stitch so neatly and pretty.

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

lovely stitching and wow that bag from Dutch Sisters is gorgeous - lucky you!