Saturday 24 January 2015

Grow Your Blog

I am taking part in the Grow Your Blog event organized by Vicki of 2BagsFull this weekend.
It is an event where people present their blogs and get to know each other better and visit other blogs to get to know people.Sounds very interesting. I have to do this blogpost today so here it is.
According to the instructions I have to present myself first.
So I am Ariadne, in my late forties, a teacher of English in a Primary State School.
I live with my boyfriend (called hubby in most blogposts), my dear son Miltos (a University student) and our dear sweet Barca (female dog).(All seen in the above picture!)
In my free time I take part in the Teachers' Association Drama Club presenting plays for children and adults, help hubby with his hobby which is shadow puppetry and do lots of other things too.
(photo from rehearsals and trips with the Drama Club)
 I love travelling so in my blog you will find lots of blog posts regarding my trips in Greece and abroad.(My friend Marabeth,me and hubby in Newport, RI,U.S.A. last summer)
(Nafplion, the Peloponnese,Greece, last January)
I love handicrafts and I mainly do cross stitch, (pieces I stitched for friends)
and felted stones.(I made this one for a life long friend)

I love attending workshops doing handicrafts, learning new techniques and ...
(photo from Etsy Greek Street meeting)
helping charities with my crafts.
(photo of the felt ornaments I made last Christmas for a bazaar at my school)
I love collecting sea glass and add it on my felted stones as well as make jewelry with it.
I love watching movies and reading books.
I love taking lots and lots of photos.(Elizabeth Park, Hartford, CT,U.S.A.)
I love going out for walks and especially at the sea front of my city Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece!
(photo taken after a storm at our sea front in 2012 and was published in a book)
(The White Tower, the landmark of my city)
I don't love cooking very much but I love making muffins.And from time to time I present a recipe.
I'd love to giveaway one of my felted stones or jewelry made of sea glass.
So if you would like to win it add a comment to this blog post only and tell me your favourite colour as well as your country and be sure to leave me a way to communicate with you if you win.
I will choose a winner randomly on February 15th.
If you want to follow me there are two ways a bloglovin button and a google friends connect button on my side bar.
It has been great talking to you!
Now, after leaving a comment, go visit lots more blogs!It's fun!


butterfly said...

Lovely to read about you and wonderful photos.

Linda said...

i Ariadne. I have been reading your blog for quite a while. I would love to enter your giveaway. My favorite color is green. I live in the USA - California.


Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Την καταχάρηκα την ανάρτησή σου Αριάδνη !!Πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες και αντιπροσωπευτικές για να σε γνωρίσουμε καλύτερα !!!Προσωπικά τα χρώματα μου αρέσουν όλα και χαίρομαι που τα λέμε !!! Τα φιλιά μου !!!

nikol said...

Αριάδνη καλησπέρα !!! Τι ευχάριστη έκπληξη !!! Σε γνωρίσαμε λίγο καλύτερα και μου αρέσει αυτό !!Η αγάπη μου για όλα τα γυαλιά και κοχύλια της θάλασσας είναι κοινό μας σημείο !!!
Καλό ξημέρωμα !!!

Sheryl said...

Lovely blog post and photos. Your felted stones are beautiful and very original.

Unknown said...

Lovely post about yourself and family! Love the photo of you, Miltos and Barca!

Sara said...

Hi Ariadne,
My name is Sara and I'm visiting from the GYB party. I enjoyed the photos on your blog and now I'm a follower. I can't wait to read more about your life in Greece. It is such an interesting country.
I mainly blog about traveling and if you are interested visit me at
Enjoy the party!

kathyinozarks said...

Welcome to the Grow Your Blog Party Ariadne. So glad to meet you. I love your sea glass stones. You have a beautiful blog-I will be back to visit more.
As one of Vickie's helpers we are so glad you joined the party-have fun! Kathyinozarks (Kathy)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing so much of you! I enjoyed reading about " a day in the life" of Ariadne. A rich and compassionate soul you are!

AppleApricot Wen said...

So good to see you're taking part of GYB too!! Beautiful projects and wonderful photography as ever. And mmmm yummy muffins, I'm pining for one now, lol :) Sending you big hugs xx

Beth in NEPA said...

Beautiful photos.......... and those ornaments are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

Christine said...

Lovely pictures of your home town, and as always I love your sea glass creations. Mostly mine just sits around in bowls, I really should try and be more creative with it.

kathyinozarks said...

I am dropping back on my own time now-lol I am so glad to have met you and will be following you-I love sea glass but have never seen it in person-so pretty.
I am retired and live very rural in the woods now-and loving it-I do allot of fiber art crafts and other things.

KimM said...

Ariadne - love your post - what great pictures. We're already friends through blogging - isn't it fun?!
Warm regards

Kim said...

So happy to have found you in your beautiful part of the world. Oh my, you have a beautiful 'backyard'...all those glorious blue hues! Gorgeous photos and your felted stones are original! I am a gal who loves the colour blue. I am now following you and am looking forward to reading more about your everyday life in beautiful Greece!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful pictures. I recognize the mansions in Newport and have been to the Elizabeth garden in Hartford as my sister lives nearby. I remember reading your blog too but I was sick for quite a while and didn't do much blogging. It's nice to catch up with people.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oops I meant to add that I think your felted stones are beautiful and would love a chance to win one in your giveaway. my favorite color is the color of the sea and I live in the USA.

Stephanie said...

Hello Ariadne! It was a joy visiting with you this evening :) I am coming from the Grow Your Blog party and had a lovely time reading about you and the things you enjoy.

Have a wonderful week, dear one! Hugs! Stephanie - The Enchanting Rose

Drastiria said...

Είσαι τόσο τόσο τόσο τυχερή που μπορείς και ταξιδεύεις τόσο πολύ!!! Μόνο και μόνο από τις φωτογραφίες σου κατενθουσιάστηκα!!! Ευχαριστούμε που τις μοιράζεσαι μαζί μας!!!

Decor Asylum said...

Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα Ανάρτηση Αριάδνη! Ό,τι πρέπει για About me σελίδα.
Πάντα έτσι χαρούμενοι όπως φαίνεστε στις φωτογραφίες να είστε κι εσύ πάντα τόσο πολυπράγμων και δημιουργική!

Frances said...

What a lovely post! I have been reading about you for a while, but now I feel I know more about you! I thought I was a follower--not sure--but I KNOW I am now!! HAHA
I love green (but really all colors) and I would love to participate in your giveaway!
Thank you for this lovely post!

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Hello Ariadne, so nice to find your beautiful blog, which I am now following on GFC and Bloglovin :)

Can you believe I had never heard of felted stones before this? I thought I had read about every art known to man (and woman) so what a great pleasure to learn of this. They are very attractive and I would be honoured to receive one should I be so lucky. Colours? I love many: purple, blue, orange, green :)

Thanks for sharing on the GYB party, Ariadne :)

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hello Ariadne, I am visiting you through the GYB event! I think that you work is very creative and love the stones. I would love to get to know you through this event. I am going to join you through google friend connect. I do hope that you will stop by my blog Julie's Lifestyle and enter my giveaway I have too. I look forward to learning about Greece and making a new friend.
Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

Mokki said...

Thanks for sharing all of those lovely photos. Its nice to know more about you. My favourite colour is purple, I love putting it with blues and greens. Im from Britain.

Sue Kosec said...

You throw a great party. Thank you for inviting me!

So that you know, I've become a Follower and when time permits, I'll be back to see what other beautiful things were made by your hands!

What this party is all about is to GROW your blog and I'm hoping to do the same. When you get to Section One, check out A Country Chic Retreat and SuZeQ Creations, my personal blog, in Section Fifteen I'd love for you to follow and subscribe to.

Happy crafting!

Heather said...

Hi Ariadne! It was nice to visit your blog via GYB today! I am from the U.S., though I've lived and spent alot of time in many countries in both Europe and Asia. My favorite colors are pale pink and green and I love your sea glass creations!!!!

tktl said...

What beautiful things you do with seaglass. I live on an island off Canada's west coast. I pick up seaglass at the beach but only keep it in jars and in spots in the garden.

alexis at

Christine said...

Hi Ariadne it is lovely to meet you through GYB! I love where you live and your creativity is wonderful so I am gladly going to follow!
Hope you can pop over to visit as you are most welcome

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

I'm visiting via GYB from St. John's, NL Canada. Beautiful photos and crafty items.

Gill said...

Great to meet you - beautiful photos!
I'm visiting from the UK and I love blue!

Karin G said...

I'm happy I discovered you and your blog thanks to GYB, I love your felted stones and I will follow you to read more!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Nice to meet you through the blog hop. I live in southern Ontario in Canada and my favourite colour is blue (and purple). Thank you for inviting us over.

Sunday at Home | Κυριακή στο σπίτι said...

Μία ανάρτηση αφιερωμένη στην Αριάδνη! Πολύ την απήλαυσα! Να είσαι πάντα καλά και να περνάς υπέροχα!

Threads of Inspiration said...

Hi Ariadne, I really enjoyed reading about your life and seeing where you live. I'm always intrigued by cultures other than my own. Your felted stones are beautiful. I live in the U.S and my favorite color is blue. I'm sorry to hear that since this post went up you've had some sadness. I hope things look up. Susan

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Hi Ariadne, your sea glass projects are just so beautiful! Visiting from the GYB hop, so much to see on great blogs like yours!

knettycraft said...

Hello Ariadne, I return visit via GYB. I don't travel a lot (because we have 2 cats which can't travel with us). I love see glass too - often collected it when I was a child and spent my holiday at the Baltic Sea every year. I love that.
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland!

Arianna M. said...

Your photos are beautiful! My favourite colour is green, and I live in Zimbabwe.

Unknown said...

What a nice blog! Happy to have found you. :) Love the pics, not able to travel myself, I love to see photos of others in their journeys. My fav color is green,and I live on the Oregon coast in USA, thanks for the chance!

Hexe im Hollerbusch said...

Helle Ariadne! You have a wonderful blog here. I especially like the felted stones - they are so cute! I'm looking forward to see lots of pictures from your journeys.

Viele Grüsse aus Wien!!

My favorite color is dark red.

Anna van Schurman said...

Your felted stones are so pretty. I'm a big fan of sea glass as well and have some small bottles of pieces I have collected on my window sill. I am visiting from Pennsylvania, USA, and my favorite color is teal.

Anna van Schurman said...

Your felted stones are so pretty. I'm a big fan of sea glass as well and have some small bottles of pieces I have collected on my window sill. I am visiting from Pennsylvania, USA, and my favorite color is teal.

Anna van Schurman said...

Love your felted stones. I collect sea glass too and display it in bottles on my window sill. I've only ever made one piece of jewelry from it. I am visiting from Pennsylvania, USA, and teal is my favorite color.