Thursday 8 January 2015

Je suis Charlie #jesuischarlie

I was going to blog about something else today but I am shocked with what happened in France yesterday.
I am borrowing/sharing  Ruben L. Oppenheimer's very touching and clever cartoon on the attack on 
Charlie Hebdo.
This afternoon we gathered outside the French School of Thessaloniki and the
French Institute of Thessaloniki in prayer for peace.



Mii Stitch said...


Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

Thanks so much for such a heartfelt post & support from your country. It means a lot to me & to the French people, not to feel alone. oxox

Unknown said...

Thank you Ariadne! We are all french at times like that, very sad!

Drastiria said...

Μπράβο για τη κίνησή σας!!!

Marie-Anne said...

Je suis Charlie!!!!!
Having worked in the press business, that was a very shocking event for me!