Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Christmas bazaars

I always go to lots of bazaars of handmade and second hand items before the Christmas holidays and try to support local artists and charities while buying my gifts.
This way I manage to help local artists survive and charities get a bit of money when they need it most. And this way I also manage to save money as usually prices are reasonable.
The first bazaar I went to was the bazaar organized by a school I had worked at some years ago. Asylo tou paidiou organizes a very big bazaar with handmade and second hand things at their premises in the city centre every year on the 25th and 26th November. I have bought really beautiful things there.
This year I bought a tin box that I later filled with chocolates for my mother-in-law (no photo) and hubby bought those lovely semi precious stone eggs because he loves minerals as much as I do.
The second bazaar we went to was organized by the StrayDogs Thessaloniki, the charity that we adopted Barca from. We love going to their bazaar to buy food for Barca and little gifts and support them and show this way our appreciation for taking care of stray animals and Barca up till we adopted her.Sofia, Lia and all the other ladies there are really great.We always take Barca with us to meet them again. And we were very happy because this time she wasn't car sick for the first time while going there.
This year apart for food for Barca I also found second hand books in excellent prices (showing only two here)
lovely pottery boxes which I filled with chocolate for my relatives, (you can see the one I kept next to the standing snowman)
 and a cap! Do you like my model? My childhood doll!
Then we went to the bazaar organized by Koperti, a friend's school.They give the money they collect to charities so we always support them.
I bought some charms to wrap on my chocolate boxes and a handcrocheted cap!
 There were lots of things going on while they had their bazaar...Santa was there....
 ...lots of people....
and clowns.
Then my school organized their bazaar.
Some teachers and the mothers of the board of the Parents' Association gathered up and made some handmade things to sell so that the Parents' Association can gather some money to help the school.
We made lots of felt ornaments, wreaths, cards,clay ornaments and platters with candles.
I made some felt ornaments at home.
 And more things were made at school.

 That's the total of the ornaments I made.
 I loved those made by others too.
 Mothers and teachers working together.

The bazaar took place the same day we were giving out our reports so when I finished talking with the parents there were very few things left.

I managed to buy this lovely card and this clay good luck eye both made by our art teacher.
And finally I went to the Goethe Institute bazaar. They were selling lots of handmade things as well as second hand things.
I bought some books to give as gifts and to use at school.
 This one was written by one of my former students who is a librarian.What  a great surprise. I read it before giving it away as a gift!It was very good!
And I also bought this lovely Turkish bowl.
 It was great to visit those bazaars.


butterfly said...

Looks like your bazaar was good fun hugs.

nikol said...

Πόσο ίδια σκεφτόμαστε Αριάδνη σχετικά με τα παζάρια !!! Πραγματικά εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια αγοράζω μόνο από παζάρια για τα δώρα μου αλλά και φτιάχνω πολλά χειροποίητα για κάποια παζάρια !!Συμμερίζομαι τις ανάγκες των συλλόγων που προσπαθούν να μαζέψουν κάποια χρήματα για παιδιά , καρκινοπαθείς αλλά και για τις φυλακές με μικρά παιδάκια.
Ομορφα τα τσόχινα στολίδια σας !!
Καλό ξημέρωμα

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Φαντάζομαι θα πήγε καλά το παζάρι με τόσο όμορφα πραγματάκια !!! Και του χρόνου !!!!

Anastasia said...

a handmade Christmas and also supporting some good causes - I like that idea!

Decor Asylum said...

Πολύ ωραία η βόλτα που μάς πήγες στα μπαζάρ και πολύ όμορφες οι αγορές σου. Δυστυχώς εδώ που είμαι δεν γίνονται ανάλογα δρώμενα! Την καλημέρα μου

Mii Stitch said...

You found some real gems at these bazaars :)
Also look like you sold a lot at your school, a great success!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Incredible bazaars! :D

Poppy said...

Such cute crafts; love all the Christmas characters and seasonal joy of the visitors!


Helen Hapsi said...

Τι όμορφα πράγματα που βρήκες!!! Και που εφτιαξες ( λατρεύω την τσόχα) !! Και για τα βιβλια του King τι να πω.... και γω αυτά θα αγόραζα, τον αγαπώ! Βρήκα το blog σου απο τύχη, αλλά βλέπω υπέροχα πραγματα εδώ και θα μείνω! Χαιρετισμούς απο Χαλκιδα!

Desire Empire said...

Your hand made felt decorations are lovely. So nice that you made them with the parents. It's hard to get extra money for schools isn't it?
I hope you have a wonderful 2015

Grammy Goodwill said...

I love shopping at bazaars for gifts, too. I was interested to see that one of your former students is a librarian and has written a book. One of my former students is now an elementary school librarian. I will have to ask her if she has plans to write books! That Turkish bowl is beautiful. We visited Turkey last December and loved the pottery.

Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the precious stone eggs as much as you do!