Wednesday 19 February 2014

Our sweet Barca

Thank you every one for reading yesterday's blogpost. And also those who left comments. I answered personally to the ones whose e-mail appears next to their name.
My son is really doing great thanks to the efforts of the doctors and all positive vibes and thoughts received by everyone. He still has to do lots of tests and be rechecked by the hospital and that's a thing I have to arrange in the week to come.And believe me it is not the easiest of things to manage to get an appointment with doctors and do all those tests. But we will manage.
Today's blogpost is about dear Barca. She too suffered a lot during our abscence from home and she was really so sweet when she met Miltos at his return from hospital, how she jumped on him and cried for meeting him again!
She was sad when we were away!

And happy when we returned!
These two never sit still for a photo!

 She keeps him company everywhere!
She keeps me company everywhere too!

She is such a sweetheart!She makes us laugh and we really need that!


Mii Stitch said...

It's amazing how animals can sense things too!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous dog - animals always know how to cheer us up!

prpltrtl946 said...

Barca is beautiful, inside and out! I think she learned from her family!! 8*)

zina said...

so beautiful dog!

Ariadne my best wishes and healing vibes!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Aww, poor baby! She's so sweet :D

eleanna said...

She is so cute! You just want to hug her!!!

Unknown said...

Barca must have felt something was wrong...They feel that you are not well or sad!

Valma said...

how cute Barca is
Animals are so super when something is wrong with us !
it's good your son is back home and feels better, we're always better when we are home
take care sweetie

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

She sure could sense something was wrong, animals have that ability! I hope your son keeps improving and Barca uses her healing power!

Sahildeki Ev said...

It's the same with our Hera. She hates us to leave. We love to travel but really decreased our travelling time not to leave her to somebody else for a long time..

Unknown said...

such a cute dog :D