Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

This is not a day that we (hubby and I) find important or worthy to celebrate. Therefore we don't!
A kiss and a hug is sufficient to declare that we still love each other very very much! But that's done every day anyway!
But it's fun that I exchange wishes with friends on the Internet about this day! Maybe because it is a chance to say good wishes to friends as well, people you care about!
I received this lovely card today from Chiara of The grey tail blog and it was so beautiful. Thanks Chiara! I adore Jackie Lawson's e-cards.
This was the ending of the card with the words by Chiara of course.
And since red and hearts and flowers are signs of Valentine's Day I curated today a treasury for the 5th Birthday of Etsy Greek Street team.
You can see it here.

So if you are celebrating today have fun!

Bytheway I would like once more to say welcome to my new followers and thank you for all the comments some of you write. I always try to answer comments when I have something to say back. Unfortunately some of you are no-reply bloggers and I can't answer you so maybe you need to change your status. If you don't know if you are a no-reply blogger or not simply leave a comment on your own blog. When you receive the e-mail notification see next to your name in the parenthesis. If there is your e-mail then you are ok. But if it says no-reply blogger you have to go to your settings and fix it;that is if you want your comments to be answered.You can read all the info on this blogpost. That's what I followed and fixed mine. Just check it from time to time as blogger tends to change its settings by itself sometimes!


Mii Stitch said...

Have a beautiful Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

Have a lovely evening Ariadne and Themos! Cheers!

devonseaglass said...

Valentine hugs!

Poppy said...

Beautiful card, Ariadne!!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Kay said...

Happy valentine's day xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Ariadne!
That's a lovely card.
Happy weekend (:

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I hope you're having a day full of love, as all your days during the year!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a pretty card. We don't do anything special for Valentines either. I have the same problem while trying to respond to some comments. I also have a hard time when I get linked to a google+ sight and can't find their blog but only other blogs they have commented on. It drives me nuts because I like to respond to anyone who comments to me.

Valma said...

Jackie Lawson cards are indeed so beautiful ! I received one too and it's always a pleasure to open them
did you play the game at the end ? =)
hope you had a great Valentines day, it's almost like a birthday to celebrate =)
have a great week