Wednesday 11 December 2013

Wordless Wednesday and the no-reply blogger

Today it is 11.12.13 can you believe it? I hadn't noticed till I read this blogpost! I have been following lots of new great blogs.There are so many people out there in blogland to inspire me.I will have to write a separate blog post about my favourite blogs one day!
The weather is marvellous!Bright sunny skies and cold!I love it!
Although I am not in the best of moods and my cold is still keeping me down I am trying to do things. And I am meeting my cousin from Athens today too so I am happy!
Wordless Wednesday and I am talking again although I shouldn't be.Anyway there is something I really wanted to warn you about. Recently I incorporated blogger with google plus. As a result I became all of a sudden a no-reply blogger commenter. So what? Well I have been leaving comments to blogs and never got a reply. It wasn't like that! I was a proper commenter one could answer back. And I became a no-reply without knowing. I left comments in so many blogs for the Sewmamasew giveaway and I realised (thanks to Carol) that I have to change this.Here is a tutorial to help you out in case you have the same problem.I used it and fixed mine.
(Zina Z, Debra Kay Neiman, lilmonkeysmama, suesinger, misscutandsew and Lisa are all no-reply commenters in my previous sewmamasew blogpost, so if you are reading this go change things.)
Now here are a couple of photos for you!I touched the same photo of the umbrellas at our seafront with picmonkey!Aren't they gorgeous?Which one do you prefer? The first was the one I took, no enhancing at all.


Unknown said...

Oh, that was not nice, Google!
Remember what happened to me :(

Ariadne said...

@ Brigitte Lepoix You are a no reply blogger too!!!!!!AriadnefromGreece

julochka said...

i like #2 and #3 from the end (they're similar, so that must be "my" look). :-) they make the umbrellas pop a bit more than the original, tho' normally, i'm not a big processor of photos - sometimes, tho', weather conditions mandate doing something! :-)

glad i helped you realize the 11/12.13 thing! :-)

oh, and i'm not connecting to my G+, as i want to continue to be julochka in blogoland. :-)

Mii Stitch said...

This is one of the reason I don't want to go with Google +!!! What a pain in the b**!
I find the last pic to be the best :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Those are beautiful pictures, Ariadne! :D

Emma/Itzy said...

Oh I hope mine hasn't changed! I also replied to your comment on my blog about the book, I hope you got the message xx

Anonymous said...

hey ariadne! wish you will be totally well soon!
oh, the umbrellas! i like the original and the last one too!
keep warm!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eleanna said...

I didn t know about this problem! I haven' t connected google +, so I hope everythind will be ok! The second photo I like the most

Sahildeki Ev said...

I didnt connect to google +, I think its really a pain..Once you are in it is always forcing your readers to their page instead of the blog..I really dont like it. I am gald that you sorted out your problem..

Valma said...

I love the 4th and the last !
I really have to try picmonkey !!!
thanks a lot for the information about no-reply ! I have to check this and share with friends....
I hope you feel better today
big hugs

prpltrtl946 said...

I also wish you well very soon! 8*)

These photos all make me smile, but I love the night sky and the color purple, so those are my favorites!!

I love the beautiful things you make! Stones, felt trees, photos...whatever you make! 8*)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love picmonkey and these are amazing effects to your photo! WOW! That was fun! Happy weekend!

Ros Crawford said...

I love the one you posted on Our Beautiful World!! Thanks for sharing!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

lovely photos. I like all the ways you have had fun changing them. I am not a google+ fan. I tried it out but couldn't stand the commenting so I changed things back.

Contagiously Crafty said...

What a lovely series of edits. Beautiful!

Mona's Picturesque said...

I just can't stop looking at these umbrellas... They are all so gorgeous. Love all these edits. Impossible to pick a favorite ;)
Have a happy Friday.

AppleApricot Wen said...

Yes, I love the one you posted on OBW too! And one that's a bit similar but with a little "under water" feel to it. Thank you for sharing with us at OBW :-)
About google... I really have no idea what I am now I changed to +mode... They keep changing things. For the worse sometimes.
Hope you feel better soon!! xx Wendy