Saturday 2 June 2012

Volos-Pelion 32 years ago.

The first time I ever went to Volos and Pelion Mount was when I was 14 years old at the third grade of my High School. It was the end of the year day trip in April 1980!
I had loved it!
The only four photos I have from that trip I scanned and am showing them to you along with a photo of me at the sea front of Volos on this recent trip! Have I changed that much? Why can't I see it?
At Makrinitsa(careful don't fall over!)
 At Makrinitsa with Fani my classmate and friend at the time. I haven't seen her ever since!
 At Portaria all students eating together!We were only girls.
 At Portaria gathering flowers and running to catch our bus!
In Volos on this trip!Haven't changed my hairstyle or clothing style for ages!LOL!


Lisa said...

Wow you really do look the same!!
You aged very nicely.

barbara@sparrowavenue said...

you look the same; it's the photos that have aged
beautiful photos

Anonymous said...

hehehehe!! trip down memory lane I see.. :D
oh well, only the photo quality proves time has passed.. you haven't changed at all!!