Wednesday 20 June 2012

What the mail brought and gifts.

As I have not been writing many letters any more I don't receive many either.
But I recently received...
Spoonful the beautiful zine from Australia. That was the only thing I charged my credit card with for the last six months as I cannot afford any online purchases any more. But I have been reading Spoonful since its first issue and I do not want to miss it. You can buy it here too.

I loved its pages on dragons and cross stitch as well as about Anthea's wedding! Congrats dear!

I also received a letter from Gabrielle, a life long pen friend from Scotland with whom I had lost contact for some time. She wrote a snail mail letter and sent me this lovely pair of earrings. Thank you Gaby!Friends are for ever!

Finally my other dear sea glass friends from Scotland Juliana and John sent me another big beautiful parcel with sea glass from Scotland as well as gifts from their recent trip to Zakynthos, Greece. It was strange getting Greek gifts from Scotland! The Caretta Caretta sea turtle hutches on the beaches of Zakynthos so the tea towel and the onyx egg base are turtle themed.

 Sea glass from Scotland.
 Shells and sea glass from Zakynthos island.
 I managed to frame my Count your Blessings in a beautiful IKEA frame I had. It looks lovely in it, doesn't it? Whoever wants the travelling pattern still has time to comment on the blogpost here only and you might win it!
 Last but not least a lovely handmade recycled gift from a dear friend. She made the pouch and the necklace herself. The pouch is made with recycled cut pieces of chips bags and the necklace has handmade beads made of paper from magazine pages.
I really loved it!
I suppose by now you have realised that the analysis of the photos I am posting is low as I have no more free Picasa space. So you can see my photos even if they are originally beautiful and clear they look a bit blurry on the blog. Unfortunately I can't do anything about that right now.
Also I have changed my background putting the sea sunset theme. It looks so much like the beach at my summer house at sunset that I prefer it for the summer.
Good night every one...or good morning! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

thea said...

WOW! You know Ariadne, I think those gifts are a clear, telling sign of how loved you are - and subsequently how absolutely lovely and easy-to-love you are :)

I think you are one of those rare gems that one only meets very rarely, with a good heart, a creative spirit and the gift of making life-long friends.

I am so so very honoured and happy that you are a member of the Spoonful family. Honestly, you're a big motivation to keep it going in the difficult times and I feel honoured and lucky to have met you, even if over the computer cables :)

Your blog is beautiful and makes me dream of long walks along the beach in the search for that beautiful sea glass.

Big big hugs and thank you beautiful girl :)
