Monday 18 June 2012

Elections are over-Schools are over.

Thank you all for reading along and caring for what is happening in my small country.
The elections ended peacefully yesterday and the conservatives won by a narrow difference to the leftists. What does that mean? That the troica and the European strict austerity measures will continue. I am just hopeful that they have received the message (implied by the great advance of the leftists) that we can't accept these measures any more. We need change and a better life. We will see what happens next.
Schools closed for the children on Thursday, one day earlier due to the elections.
The last week was filled with...
...a day trip at Langadas spa park (we didn't do spa just stayed at the park for the kids to play).

...the 6th graders final festivities that included songs and dances of Greece...

...the last day's dances....
...and games...
 ...a visit at my last year's school to attend the 6th graders festivities there too... honourary prize reception at the Prefecture by the administration office for what we,members of the Teachers' Association Drama Club, offered to the public....
I am the one in the brown dress and hubby is the one with the pink and grey striped T-shirt. The administration manager Mr Kartsiotis is in the middle. Vana Vourtsaki,the lady in blue, is our director.
This year was a good school year. I am in a new school very near to my house, I have new pupils, new colleagues, a new headteacher, a new administration manager. Things went cool, very relaxed and happy inspite the general crisis in my country and I loved that. I hope they continue like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good news about your job are the best news!
I don't know what to think about the election results, I mean, I'm relieved to hear they went smoothly (which is already good news) ..still I have no idea what they'll imply for you, for the rest of Europe.. I have the feeling the economical situation derailed a long long way from our governments, which didn't help, of course.. still common people didn't cause this debt, this crisis, but are the ones who're paying for it..
so, again, good news from you are always the best news :D
the park looks stunning, wow.. enjoy the holidays!