Wednesday 16 November 2011

Thank you.

Dear friends, followers, readers,I would like to thank you every one for your comments on my recent sadness and for standing by me.
Now to move further from that but to something that is connected.
There has been a discussion around on blogland about how bloggers present only their beautiful lives in their blogs and not their every day ugliness.
I don't really care what people think about blogland. For me blogging is like a diary and it is a way to show the beautiful little things I find in my life. At the same time I sometimes discuss things that affect me sadly like a death or the bad finacial situation or the rubbish that accumulated in my street during a strike. Still I too prefer to show beautiful pictures to inspire others too and make them happy as I feel happy when I see other people's beautiful colourful blogs.
Anyway in Greek we say "Whoever likes it" so that's what I say too. If people don't like reading my blog or other people's blogs then don't. It is as simple as that.
On the other hand if what you want to see in a blog are the dusty corners, the dirty dishes or parents screaming to their children there are plenty of silly TV programmes to watch on that!
Here are a couple of pics from the recent past of little things I "like".
Jacobs Flavours Dark Chocolate Filter Coffee which I keep in this beautiful tin box in the fridge. Now that my nose and mouth have returned to their good smell and taste I can enjoy it better. Thank you sis for the coffee.

 I found this wooden dish in the street and of course collected it. I think I will sand and paint it and use it with sea glass at the summer house. Just an idea.
 And here is how I use my son's music stand as he does not play music any more. I arrange my threads and keep the pattern and scissors,too.It helps greatly while stitching.I finished the pattern I was stitching, photos soon.
Here I would like to thank you all for reading, following and commenting on my blog. I really adore comments. If someone cannot comment then maybe you can solve it by signing out and again in at . You should not check the little box Keep me signed in. I hope it works. The thing is that you have to do this every time you turn your computer on.
Also I would like to add that Paula at otchipotchi showed her butterflies in my bedroom. Go have a look!


Lisa said...

I think I fixed the problem with commenting on a blog your help Thank You. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your pictures of Greece.

Ariadne said...

Glad to be reading your comment Lisa!AriadnefromGreece!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

Great use of the music stand! I have one as well and since I never play my cello, no time, perhaps I should come up with an idea for it.
The coffee looks delicious and now I must find some to try! :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about blogs, and I suppose you refer to Lisa's post. It's a work of balance to blog about the things that make us happy, and not to avoid to show what (our) reality looks like. Like everything in life, it's all a matter of balancing.
I ordered from Paula this weekend, I can't wait to get it :)
very ingenious way to repurpose your son's music stand, btw, and the wooden leaf dish is great too !

Seamaiden said...

Ariadne, if there is anyone who understands the need to be real in my blog, it is me. I am fully aware that many of my blog installments may turn people off because they aren't all sweetness and light, but this is my life and the reality of living in a hard world. Thank you for being real and allowing us to see all sides of who you are and to know what is important to you. It means so much.