Monday 18 April 2016

Green bag lady

Some time ago (in fact in January) I won a Sewmamasew giveaway and received my giveaway win from Green Bag Lady blog. 
I had won these two lovely shopping bags handmade by this great lady who has been making fabric bags and giving them away for free to persuade people to use plastic bags less and fabric bags more for their shopping!
Aren't they lovely?
Thank you Ms Green Bag Lady.
Here's something taken from her blog.

Green Bag Lady Bags

35,074 FREE SHOPPING BAGS have been given away by Green Bag Lady! They are used daily in more than 3300 US cities, plus over 1400 cities in over 600 territories/ provinces/ countries world wide!

Bag Count Updated: Mar 31, 2016

 That's amazing isn't it?
 If you visit her blog regularly she gives away bags all the time so you may win one too!
In fact that's the second time I win her bags, both times through Sewmamasew!!


Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Πανέμορφες είναι και βέβαια πολύ καλύτερες από τις πλαστικές !!!
Καλή εβδομάδα !!!!

Justine said...

I'm in awe...does she make them herself?! So pretty.

kathyinozarks said...

what an awesome gift-I use bags too instead of the plastic bags when I can

Frances said...

I love those cheerful bags!
It is such a good idea to use fabric bags--the grocery stores give SO MANY plastic bags...what a waste!
I do have some bags in my car but I must confess that I forget about them many times...I must do a better job of remembering! Mine aren't this cute though!

Anonymous said...

What a great prize you won! The amount of plastic bags that we use is dreadful....we should all be using more of these kinds of bags. I love that fact that she has a pattern for making your own bag.....although I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to make my own!

Brigitte said...

These bags look so great. Lucky you!