Friday 8 April 2016

A visit to an old school

The 1st High School of Thessaloniki is famous for its achievements and for the people who studied there.
It was built in 1899 as a house for the Modianos, a powerful Jewish family of merchants in the city who were afterwards victims of the Nazis during World War II as the majority of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki.
In 1978 the earthquake of Thessaloniki destroyed the building but fortunately it wasn't allowed to be put down. It was left to decay for years. 40 years later the building was rebuilt with European money boost. That's how slowly things go in Greece. But better late than never!

On the 31st of March it was allowed to visit it before it comes to its proper use as administration building of the High School next to it.
I took the chance as it is in my neighbourhood and visited it.
 That's how all of the neighbourhood looked in the old years.
What a pity the modern Greeks chose to live in blocks of flats, flats like cages and narrow streets. Our city would have been much more beautiful if we had evaluated correctly the old buildings and turned them into beautiful homes or offices and not put them down to make blocks of flats. That's how builders, civil engineers and architects became rich in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Now that nothing is built in the city and flats have lost their value and are sold cheaply they are changing profession.

Here you can see how the project started.
And here you can see how it is today.
Here is the alumni page on facebook.
And here are the stolpersteine outside the building.They are the stones of truth for 149 Jewish students of the school who were taken to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Only 2 returned alive.
You can read how they came to be here.
Anyway this blogpost is full of photos of the building I took while visiting it (except for the last one taken from the Internet) and is dedicated to my husband and all the people I know who went to this school.


devonseaglass said...

Lovely building; interesting history.

Ivor Ludlam said...

Έχει και γυμνάσιο θηλέων; Χωριον καλον παρά πολύ!

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Υπέροχο κτίριο πραγματικά και με λαμπρή ιστορία !!! Κρίμα βέβαια που έχουν καταστραφεί όλα αυτά τα αριστουργήματα για να γίνουν πολυκατοικίες !!!

nikol said...

Τα λόγια είναι λίγα Αριάδνη μου για να περιγράψει κάποιος τη φρίκη των 149 μαθητών που θυσιάστηκαν στο Αουσβιτς!!
Ομως θεωρώ πολύ σπουδαία την ιδέα για τις ΄΄πέτρες της αλήθειας΄΄γιατί η μνήμη είναι ζωή !!
Το ανακαινισμένο σχολείο βέβαια υπέροχο έργο τέχνης και μακάρι να γίνει αυτό για όλα τα υπόλοιπα που αργοπεθαίνουν !!!
Σε φιλώ

Kaisievic said...

Beautiful building, thanks so much for sharing with us.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

This is a gorgeous building, it's great it was restored.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting post!

Decor Asylum said...

Υπέροχο κτίριο και δεν θα μπορούσα να συμφωνήσω περισσότερο μαζί σου σε όσα γράφεις περί πολυκατοικιών.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a gorgeous building and such wonderful ceilings. They really are works of art.

The memorial stones are very moving too. I am glad they are there to remember the pupils.