Thursday 21 April 2016

Blogland friends

It's true that through the Internet I have made many friends in my life.
But if we go back in time,when I was a teenager I had about 100 pen friends (pen pals) around the world many of which I have kept as friends through snail mail, e-mail or facebook even today.
Some of them I have met. Others vanished or I was always behind in my answering rhythm and they had no patience with me.
Anyway for me the correspondence of those days (that really helped me develop my English writing skills) is the Internet of today.
Through the Internet in blogland, facebook, the sea glass sites, the craft sites, instagram and more I have made many many new friends.
What I really always liked was the fact that at some point the friendship from vistual became real and we met in real life, in real time!
That's how I managed to visit Finland and Austria. I met my old life long pen friends there.
And in 2014 when I went to the States it was a combination of today and yesteryear, a life long pen pal and a sea glass site Internet friend.
Why am I telling you all this?
Well a couple of days ago I had the chance to meet some more virtual friends whose blogs I had been reading for some time.
Nicol of Χειροποιήματα της Νικόλ and Vicky of Ποδηλάτισσα blogs with her sweet daughter Demetra visited Thessaloniki and we met.
First we met at Georgia's aka Ahtida's house. I had met Georgia before and some more bloggers visited there to see the ladies from Athens. Although I was the new one there they all made me feel comfortable. They were Rena of Δια χειρός, whom I already knew, Maria of Morphoplasies, Yioula of Γιούλα Δημιουργίες Χαράς, Mary and Olympia of  Old things,
Georgia's husband Demetres and Georgia had cooked some great food which we all savoured and the whole meeting was a success filled with laughter.

(photos by Olympia)
Then the next day Nicol and the other ladies insisted that I should accompany them to an evening out. So I had the chance to meet some more ladies that I only knew through facebook like Glykeria of Έργα Τέχνης,Irene of Inandaroundmyhouse ,Madrina,Vasiliki and Adriana.
 They were a great company of friends, we had a really good time and I am sure we will meet again.
It was so nice to put face to name and facebook profile and get to know so many interesting lovely ladies.
Who said blogland or virtual world can't be beautiful. And I am happy those friendships that have formed in the cyber world have developed into real world friendships.


Rena Christodoulou said...

Πολύ χαίρομαι Αριάδνη μου , που ξαναβρεθήκαμε και δεν σταματήσαμε στο άψυχο ιντερνετ.
Τα κοινά ενδιαφέροντα μας είναι τόσα πολλά , που και ώρες να καθόμασταν δεν θα τελειώναμε εύκολα!!!
Ελπίζω ότι θα τα πούμε και την Κυριακή στο κουμπί!!!!
Φιλάκια πολλά!!!!!!

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Από τα όμορφα του Ίντερνετ αυτές οι γνωριμίες και οι συναντήσεις !!! Μπράβο πολύ χαίρομαι που βρεθήκατε και περάσατε ωραία.... ελπίζω να σας συναντήσω κι εγώ κάποια μέρα, όσες δεν έχω ήδη γνωρίσει !!!! Φιλιά σε όοοοοολες !!!!!

Marie-Anne said...

Happy to see you have met with many of my friends, Ariadne!!!
Indeed, I had myself the chance to meet most of the blogger friends you mention when I visited Thessaloniki some years ago. Then, some of them came to Athens and we met again. I hope I will sometime have the opportunity to also meet with you!!!!

zina said...

Αυτα ειναι! υπαρχει τίποτασ καλύτερο??? και στις επόμενες συναντήσεις με το καλό κουκλα!

Kaisievic said...

How wonderful to meet so many of your bloggy friends, so happy for you, my dear.

riitta k said...

This is great! I myself am a new blogger, started last October. But in this short time I have made friends with SO many beautiful people who have brought so much joy into my life! Blogging - & other social media - are connecting the world! Have a lovely Sunday Ariadne ♥

Unknown said...

Χάρηκα πολύ Αριάδνη που σε γνώρισα και από κοντά ...
Ελπίζω να τα πούμε ξανά σύντομα ..
καλό βράδυ και φιλακια