Friday 1 January 2016

New Years Resolutions 2016

I made some last year! But I didn't even blog about them.And I didn't manage to realise them all !
These were my 2015 resolutions.
 1. Learn how to use my sewing machine.
2. Refresh my driving skills!
3.Cross stitch more!
4.Read more than last year!
5. Keep off the computer!
6.Watch more movies!
7. Try to drink more water!
8.Declutter more!
9. Paint the house!
10. Keep more positive and optimistic!
I managed numbers 4,7,8 and 10.
What about 2016?
Some are the same as the previous ones and some are new ones!
1. Learn how to use my sewing machine!
2. Refresh my driving skills.
3.Cross stitch more!
4. Keep up the reading challenge!
5.Make more handicrafts and use up my supplies!
6. Paint the houses!
7. Relax a bit more!
8. Be punctual with answering my mail and e-mail!
9.Travel a bit!
10. Keep positive and optimistc and stop nagging!
Let's see how many of those I will manage to realise!
(Photos of shadows and light games during rehearsals!)


Justine said...

Lovely resolutions Ariadne! All of my resolutions so far are for stitching so I might have to borrow one or two of yours.

oldthings said...

Αριάδνη μου ,καλή χρονιά και ότι καλύτερο ! Οι στόχοι για το 2016 μου άρεσαν πολύ .Το 2 ,οπωσδήποτε να το φροντίσεις ,το 7 να μη το ξεχνάς ποτέ ,το 10 μακάρι να το πετύχεις ,εγώ μάλλον δεν θα τα κατάφερνα !

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You did really good last year. Sometimes it's better to concentrate on just as few goals to achieve them. I think this is a great idea and I may write some down in my journal tonight. (I may copy some of yours my friend!) Happy New year! Hugs, Diane

Maria Naka said...

Χρόνια πολλά Καλή χρονιά! Σου εύχομαι ότι καλύτερο για τη νέα χρονιά!