Saturday 9 January 2016

Calendars and diaries

Every year I choose to use a couple of calendars and diaries.
I love writing down what happens every day, things to do, lists and more lists!
That's how I am and I don't forget things in this way.
I have school work lists, reading lists (what I have read and what to read), stitching lists, mail lists (what I received and what must be written and sent),birthday lists, appointments lists,meetings lists,chores lists, bills lists etc etc
That's why I need lots of calendars and diaries!
For 2016
I put up the calendar Wonders of Hungary my friend Andrea brought me from her country this summer.
And that's the January page! I jot down important appointments and dates here.
I write my daily memoirs in the 2016 diary I was given as a gift from The Smile of the Child after our Luxembourg trip.
I keep notes and appointments in my Pygolampides  agenda in my bag. Local friends can find it for free in this link here. It has got lots of handicrafts and information inside.
This is the organiser I have at school. So very English.
I keep handicrafts notes (what I make every day) in this Mollie Makes craft calendar that was included in the December Mollie Makes issue that my friend Juliana sent me as a gift. It had lovely stickers with it and I use them in my diary.
And I also decided to print this free downloable Alisa Burke calendar and use it for more notes on my desk. I printed it on different colour for every month but it will also look lovely in white and you can colour the pages in.
Last but not least I am making a stitched calendar for 2016.
I joined in a SAL (=Stitch Along) and will be stitching this calendar every month along with hundreds of other stitchers around the world. It is free so if you like cross stitch join in!
You will find it on facebook but also on  this blog here. It is the Stitch Along The Joyful World by the Snowflower Diaries.
 I have already stained my white fabric and have already started stitching it. Barca always follows me while stitching!She seems to enjoy seeing me relaxing!
Are you keeping any kind of diaries or calendars?
Have a great 2016!


devonseaglass said...

Time is what stops everything happening at once-Albert Einstein. Happy diary keeping!

Jacqueline Morris said...

Oooooh yes!! Your joining the SAL :)
Looking forward to seeing your progress :)
Smiles :)

Sheryl said...

Just have to keep a journal, one for teaching, one for blogging and one for sewing. Have started the SAL too. Happy New Year.

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Ωραία που χρησιμοποιείς διαφορετικά ημερολόγια για τις δουλειές σου !!! Εγώ μόνον ένα!! Το sal που κεντάς το έχω δει στο διαδίκτυο, αλλά δεν το αποφάσισα να συμμετέχω, μπορεί να το σκεφτώ !! Καλή δύναμη !!!

Laila said...

NIce to see that I'm not alone with my calender...
Here in Sweden it becomes more and more commen to use the calender in the cellphone. Nahh.... ! That's nothing for me! I want to write it down by hand:-)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

This is absolutely fun and organized, I used to cross stitch too but it is too hard for the eyes now, : 0

Anonymous said...

I love lists; I used to make photo-calendar for my hubby for years but somehow got bored, you inspired me so I'll probably do one this year :)

Frances said...

You will be the MOST organized person with all your calendars, journals, etc! I am very impressed!!! And they are all lovely!
I'm attempting to participate in the SAL--I think that little fox is so cute!

Emma/Itzy said...

Nice to see you stitching again!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I have a only useful agenda, but it's always a very long process to choose it every year in December, after all I use it for the nex 12 months!