Saturday 9 February 2013

Bits and pieces.

I am so much behind with everything all the time. I am sure you are tired of hearing this.
So here I will just add random photos of things and events of ....November 2012. Yes they were taken back then but I forgot about them.
So in November....
I collected these from the sidewalk, thrown out from an old school.What am I going to do with them? Maybe something I saw in Jeanne Oliver's Creatively Made Home online course.
I won't use the photo from the course as I am not supposed to. But when and if I make this into something beautiful you will see it again.
Inspired by Alisa Burke's Create Daily Holiday Edition online course I painted  some owls on sea glass and sea tiles.

 And I made a painting and collage which I gave as a little gift.
And some painted stones I custom ordered to a friend colleague of mine for my friends around the world. Aren't they gorgeous?I wish I could paint like this.
Finally something I found in the street again after a demonstration. Some poor little kid must have lost it. But it's a keeper!


butterfly said...

painted stones are wonderful. hugs.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to paint the stones....another thing to add to my to-do list!!!

AppleApricot Wen said...

beautiful painted stones, great idea!
hugs, Wendy

Bianca Jagoe said...

Those painted stones are so lovely - such a clever, simple idea. I know what you mean about feeling behind on everything - I feel like 2013 is in full swing already and I've not caught up with 2012!

You should move to Tasmania ;D I don't know of any Greek communities here in Tassie but there are huge Greek communities all over Australia especially in Melbourne (across the water from me). There is a surprisingly large amount of Greek culture in Australia - Greeks must have liked migrating here! I am grateful because I like Greek food and I like soccer (and there are lots of good Greek-Australian soccer players).

It's such a shame you had to return to work so soon after your baby - I know I am very fortunate. I might end up going back earlier, but I hope I can have a really fun, full year off with my baby.

Lovely to hear from you as always Ariadne!

Anonymous said...

ariadne your owls are wonderful!
and i would also keep this
little mermaid if i have found it ; )