Wednesday 27 February 2013


It was the end of November and all through the city there were bazaars for charities for Christmas.
I love bazaars both for the handmade things but mainly for the second hand vintage things!!!!!
Here are some photos of a couple of some.
I know maybe for my local readers I should try to be more in time and give the photos and info so that they can also go but unfortunately I have too many things to do apart from blogging.
So the first one we went on November 25th was the Pillbox bazaar at Ladadika.
This area is absolutely lovely and picturesque, filled with lots of restaurants and taverns and night clubs. Although we don't go there for our entertainment I really like walking in the streets and looking around.

The Pillbox bazaar was all about handicrafst and aminly jewelry and since I already had started learning how to make jewelry it was a great chance for me to see what's in the handmade market. I loved what I saw and realised that I can make so many of these things. Some thought were very original.Like the Trash Bizou stand which has lovely jewelry made of recycled coffee packets.

  Of course I had to buy some pieces for me and my friend Frieda who loves to recycle herself.
You can find the trash bizou guys on facebook here. They are a great young couple trying to make a start.
I also bought this little lovely thing for my niece.You can find the girl of the Princess Gallery on facebook here.
After the Pillbox we walked through the city to the great bazaar at Asylo tou paidiou.That's a charity as well as a school and I worked there two years ago. 

 There are lots of handmade things there too but I mainly go for the vintage and second hand things. I always find little treasures there. The total of what I got.
 This little porcelain cup. I still haven't found what language the letters are from or what they mean. Can anyone help?
(Edited.I found the story of it here.It is written in the Bashkir Language.It says Ural Batyr which means hero, brave man and it is an epic poem of the Bashkir people.You can read the translation of the poem here.)
 This black rose square bowl.
 This lovely German set. I haven't found anything about this either.
 A beautiful mermaid from Denmark.
 A shell bowl that went to Scotland filled with some Greek beach finds.
 A Delft whisky bottle from Holland.

And a vintage handpainted little dish with the Parthenon on the Acropolis which I will add to my etsy shop soon.


butterfly said...

Amazing photos thanks for sharing hugs.

Unknown said...

I know someone who would have enjoyed these bazaars with you....!Lovely!

Melissa said...

I love all your photos! I would have loved to have been there to see all the chirstmas bazaars - the one thing I love most about Europe I think. I spent some time studying in Italy and it was like a sunday tradition to go to the open air markets. MY FAVOURITE! Greece is certainly on my bucket list! Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos and goodies :)


prpltrtl946 said...

I keep losing my message when I switch tabs! Aaaah!

The blue cup is Lithuanian!! You can see it with google translate. Choose Lithuanian and it will translate the words. Ypac means especially. 8*)