Monday 13 February 2012

Who wants the Greek people poor, hungry, angry and devastated?

I could not resist yesterday's wordless post!
While the Parliament was voting for the new more strict measures of the Europeans (and lots of the members of parliament were refusing to vote for them and getting resigned or sent out by their leaders) the city centre of Athens was getting burnt by the KnownUnknown as they are called! Who are they? Protesters? Definitely not! There were thousands of people protesting outside the Parliament! Who are all these who broke into shops, stole lots of things like mobile phones and then burnt shops, banks and old cinemas? That destroyed all those beautiful aristocratic buildings that were a hundred years old and survived two World Wars? It is such a pity!Modern Greece eats up her children and her children destroy their country!
Thank you all for your comments. I slept very late last night watching the news and fearing that more riots will break out.
This morning the markets were happy that our Parliament voted for the new measures! Is that why all this is done? For the markets? And what about the people? Does anyone think of the people?There are already too many unemployed and homeless people in Greece. This number will rise since salaries and pensions will again be cut down and prices of services and products will go up! Who wants the Greek people poor , hungry, angry and devastated?
My friend Ian from England showed me this great blog of a British teacher of English living and working in Greece. He is also a photographer. He has followed the riots and has great photos for you to see.
Hopefully...we will survive!


Denise said...

Greece is much in the news on US tv.
Please keep us up to date on how you are! We must all pray for Greece....

Unknown said...

My dear Ariadne, I shall not comment your post.... You know what I think about all this!
Just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts every day and my heart goes out to you people, love you!

Sherry said...

Ariadne, My heart too goes out to you and the people of Greece. Why do some people get enjoyment out of destruction and spoiling things for the majority??? How does distruction equate with improving quality of life as these people claim? I think they are just evil unhappy people and use anything as an excuse to destroy. Please be safe and know my prayers are with you. With hugs from Alaska.

Angry Blue-green Bee said...

I can imagine how bad it is - in India, people take the first opportunity to loot the public under a guise of protest.
I hope things will be normal again soon.

Seamaiden said...

People are the same all over - at the first sign of injustice, we have riots in the States, too. I'm so sad for you and your country, Ariadne. Tragic...