Wednesday 22 February 2012

Frieda was here!

I am so glad when Frieda, my sea glass friend from Skiathos visits her sons who study in my city.They happen to live in my neighbourhood; this way Frieda and I have the chance to meet and do things together.
Frieda is such a crafty person, she made me these Greek drachma fridge magnets, a crocheted purse out of supermarket plastic bags and also she baked these traditional windmill speculaas biscuits and put them in this lovely Dutch tin box. They are absolutely tasty. I hope she will put the recipe on her blog.
 While Frieda was here we went to IKEA together and for a walk at second hand shops.We bought some books there.
We also went to the theatre and watched Madame Soussou by Dimitris Psathas.

That's the new Municipality building of my city which we passed on our way to the city centre. It is decorated with a kite as it is Carnival time here.
 We had coffee out together.
 She also came home for coffee and at a family meal where hubby cooked the tuna fish she brought us from her island, fished by her husband.Hubby marinated it in dill and mustard sauce and cooked it in the oven. It was great!

 I made cous cous with shrimp and cabbage and carrot salad.We had a good time.

 I made Frieda a small gift,too. I cross stitched the symbol of her project on Skiathos island, the Green Fox.She and her friends have started this project a year ago trying to collect and send away to the recycling factory all the plastic water bottles used on the island.Here is their blog The Green Fox of Skiathos.

I used this site on the net that changes pictures into cross stitch patterns.
I really enjoyed my time with Frieda. I hope we will meet again soon.


Dream on the wave said...

I had a great time and want to thank you for your hospitality. I hope the next time we will meet on my island!
Many greetings, Frieda

Marabeth said...

I love the way the little green fox turn out. How nice that you and Frieda are able to spend time together when she visits her son. Are your shrimp always served with their heads, eyes and antennae still intact?

Seamaiden said...

Lovely day for two lovely ladies!! You're making me hungry with all that good food, yum! :)
Sweet little green fox - well done.