Sunday 10 April 2011

The planet needs you...

On Tuesday evening hubbie and I attended two different tours at two exhibitions that are taking place in my city. The tours were free of charge for the teachers to get to know the exhibitions and bring their students to them.
The first exhibition where we spent about an hour and a half is called "The planet needs you" and is an interactive exhibiton about the protection of the environment planned and organised by the London Science Museum.
In it children can see how water,food,energy,rubbish and buildings can be used wisely and how we should use efficient methods to save all the treasure of our planet for our children.Also through games children build their own house and means of transport for their 2050 life.
We really had fun.Here are some photos.
One of the games we played.

 How to save water.
I loved the washbasin that takes the water you use to flash the toilet.
 A way to transport water as a game for children.
 A solar box cooker. I have known this since my University years and it was fun to see it in reality.
 A type of fridge based on ancient habits. A double pottery vessel with wet sand in between keeps fruit and vegetables cool without the need for a fridge.
 A mini kitchen composter.
 Clothes made from plastic bottles,sugarcane,kannavis,recycled clothes.
 An apron made from reused tomato sauce cartons.
 If a sail is attached on a ship that runs with oil it uses 20% less oil!
 Floor tiles made of reused flip flops.
 My neighbourhood in 2050.I decided to have a lake,solar and wind energy,underground houses(to avoid thunders!!!!) and hydrocopter(a flying car that uses hydrogen)!
The second exhibition on the next blogpost.


Pesky Cat Designs said...

I really enjoyed seeing all these eco-friendly ideas. What a wonderful exhibition. Look forward to seeing the second one!

Unknown said...

Great ideas,wish we could all help in our little ways, the world needs us all!

Seamaiden said...

Excellent exhibit, thank you for sharing your day with us!

STD Symptoms said...
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