Saturday 9 April 2011

Glass Cosmos

That's an exhibition of ancient Greek glass vessels and items found from 14th to 4th century BC tombs in Macedonia and Thrace.The exhibition is at the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum.
Some are really exceptional.Some are really well preserved. I have been at this exhibition twice.Once last year and once now with Frieda.
Here are the photos I took,flash was not allowed so I did my best.
First a golden wreath which used to have small glass beads on it.
 Glass vessels.

 End of day glass,a glass drop.
 Pinching and painting on glass.
 Etching on glass.
 Glass pieces for wreaths.

 The green bowl is my favourite and it is intact!

 Bone dice and board game glass pieces.

 Bird shaped perfume bottles.To use the perfume you had to break the glass so very few are saved.
 The iridiscent hue on glass vessels is from the PH of the soil in which they were buried.It comes off the glass as flakes.


Anonymous said...

Really beautiful glass.

Seamaiden said...

Wow, what an incredible museum! Love all the old bottle and vessels, Ariadne. Now I want to go to the Museum of Fine Art in Boston and look at Grecian art again!!

Marabeth said...

So many cultural experiences in your city....I'll have to visit longer than a week that's for sure!