Saturday 30 April 2011

At the end of April.

This is the 1st May weekend but since schools begin on Monday we decided to stay at home and not go to our summer house.But I couldn't stay in not in such great weather anyway so we walked to the city centre,had a light meal out and returned.
Here are a couple of photos.
Unfortunately there was an awful orange coloured hue on the sea surface. I am not sure what it was.
 It could be a painting if it is not environmental pollution!
 I only had a salad and some sweet red wine.
 Outside the New Municipality Building there is a poster of Thessaloniki being the candidate city of European Youth Capital of 2014.
 That's my new pendant, a gift from my friend Margrit in Istanbul. You will read about her in the Istanbul 3 blogpost when I write it.
 And since the blue wall of the Municipality Building is beautiful I had some pics taken.
I have seen models being photographed there.Not that I am a model but you can have fun with my clothing!Dior sun glasses 7euros and  Street Fashion Prune Style bag 12 euros bought from street sellers.(I know I shouldn't be supporting that type of trade but they are the ones whose goods I can afford.)
Olsen Key West blouse 8 euros from a friend's stock of seconds.Jeans 7 euros from last year's Aghios Mamas open market.(That's a big open market that takes place for a week in September near my summer house).Boots Voi&Noi 24 euros and I love them!

 And of course some dandellion photos.

In case you are looking for some beautiful artwork of Latin American artists you can have a look at LAMA. They are closing down and are having 70 % off. I had bought two exclusive Geninne prints from them and two felt birds by Tanya Aguiniga and they are lovely.
Also there is a great fourth blogversary giveaway of dear Edgar in Blacksheep's bit of the web so maybe you want to take part.
Have a great first of May!


Unknown said...

Ariadne, you're a great model! And the blue colour suits you well!

Marabeth said...

Yes I looks lovely on you! The close up of the puffy dandelion would be beautiful framed.