Wednesday 22 May 2013

What the mail brought

That lovely doggy birthday card from Marabeth had also arrived on my birthday.Thanks Marabeth.
And more parcels.
...that made Barca happy too.
With lovely stamps from Hong Kong.....

And this lovely book  by Carole Lambert filled with sea glass crafts that made me even happier. Thanks Tina for giving me one as a gift!You are so kind.
These are some of the crafts in it that I liked.

And here is a parcel that arrived from Gina Argyrou of Agapiseaglass from Rhodes. She was so kind to surprise me with some lovely sea glass, great pottery and a marble!
Thanks so much Gina and once again I am really sorry for the loss of your Angel puppy!


Kaisievic said...

Happy belated birthday, love the s.eaglass

butterfly said...

Happy Birthday sending loads of hugs.

Anonymous said...

the book looks amazing ariadne!
and the dog card is very cute!