Wednesday 8 May 2013

Easter 2013-flowers and insects

It was a nice warm sunny Easter.
With lots of food, walking the beach with Barca and collecting sea glass, admiring nature and meeting relatives. Simple things are always the best!
My Pelargonium Graveolens
 My Phlox
 Neighbour's dimorphotheca
 and roses
 and fig tree.
 One neighbour's "obscuring my view" plants and hedge.
 Other neighbour's beautiful bottle brush plant or Callistemon.

 Dandellions all over.

 And a vase of wildflowers....
 Carpobrotus acinaciformis  at our beach with bees diving in them.

 Dandellions coming out of every hole in walls.

 Looking at dandellions from every corner

 and tiny blue flowers....


butterfly said...

Fantastic photo's. hugs.

Annuk said...

Oh Ariadne, these photos are amazing!!! You are surrounded by wonderful flowers!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures....if the sun comes out today I may just go and grab my camera!

Anonymous said...

beautiful nature at your place :)