Thursday 16 June 2011

When the line curves into a circle.....

For years I aimed to work in a school in my neighbourhood. I wanted my own school but unfortunately I could only work there temporarily for a year or two.
Then last year at last I got my own school, my own permanent position.
Those who follow my blog saw my photos of the beautiful views from the windows of the teachers' room overlooking the garden and the Thessaloniki bay in the distance.
It was a good school. It gave me the chance to work as subheadteacher very satisfactorily for myself and successfully as well.
I had the chance to see the seasons coming and going on the garden trees and plants.
The disadvantage was that I had to take two buses to go there and also spend money on the tickets. And of course to spend two hours a day commuting!
So I asked for a transfer. For the first time after many many years all the three schools in my neighbourhood had a vacancy for an English Teacher! If I did not get a position now I never would.I prayed to get one of the three and applied for the positions hoping that the other many teachers would not be interested in them.
I got my second choice! I am really so happy.
 I know I am losing now the nature and beautiful sea views of the previous school. But I am earning in time and money and hopefully will be happy and stay in my new school for many many years.
Here are some more views from my previous beautiful school.


devonseaglass said...

You create joy wherever you tread.

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you, Ariadne!This is great news!Wish you all the best in your new school!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

What lovely photos! I want to wish you all the best in your new school. I know your students will be very lucky to have you as a teacher!

Margie Oomen said...

your life is full of amazing color and living

Seamaiden said...

Congratulations, Ariadne! I'm so happy for you. :)

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

my warmest congratulations, Ariadne, you'll save time & money by being closer to your workplace. Wishing you happy years of teaching in your new school