Thursday 2 June 2011

I was going to tell you....

I was going to tell you have a nice month and show you pages from my many different calendars (sea glass and non sea glass) that I got  as  gifts this year...but I won't...
I was going to tell you ...what the mail brought recently...but I won't....
I was going to tell you about the framed art I got from my framer's...but I won't...
I was going to tell you ....about the great time I had yesterday with my two University students that did their practise in my school  and I was their mentor and the surprise they had for me...but I won't...
.....maybe I will tell you about all these things later...maybe next week....but now I feel they are all so shallow and non-interesting....
so today I will tell you about the shock I got when a fellow colleague told  hubbie and he told me that one of our former students was diagnosed with cancer and is in hospital.
My 14-year old star student (smart,handsome,a great boy with humour,a good boy) was diagnosed a couple of days ago with Lymphoma Hodgkin.We went and visited him this afternoon and are hopeful that things will get really really well with him.I am sure you all share positive thoughts with us!


Seamaiden said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, this former student/friend who has been afflicted with lymphoma...May you feel the peace only God can bring in these tragic circumstances, of knowing that even in the midst of horrific situations, love and beauty can shine through. Sending big hugs your way, sweet friend. I'm sorry.

Unknown said...

Oh, Ariadne, so sorry to hear these bad news, and really hope that this young boy gets better soon.Thinking of you in these hard moments with lots of love.

Ariadne said...

Thank you both! I spent a couple of hours yesterday on the Internet reading about this disease and am hopeful that he will get well.

Seamaiden said...

I hope so, too! Please keep us updated as you feel led. :)

cathystitcher said...

Ariadne, I understand your feelings of shock, but don't feel negative about your interests. These things are wonderful positives that we all need to bring balance to our lives. Yes, feel unhappy that this wonderful young man has such a burden to carry
, but keep your own spirits up so that you may support him and his family through their time of trial.
I wish him, his loved ones and yourself all good things, and strength for the future.

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

oh Ariadne, I am so sorry for this young boy :( Life's so unfair. I wish him strength & courage to fight this disease. I'll keep him in my thoughts. oxox