Tuesday 7 June 2011

People get out in the squares.

We walked on the sea front the other day.
There were thousands of people on the sea front walking,looking at the book fair kiosks,looking around,watching,just sitting under the White Tower. They are the indignant (los indignados in Spanish). We are all like them.We are fed up with the lies. We are fed up with the lack of jobs and lack of money.
Every day we see our salaries being reduced,our loans and the prices in everything rising.

Where is this going to end?We are fed up.


Elettra said...

very beautiful photos, the latter are very original !!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ariadne, I hear all your news(Greek) everyday and feel concerned for you and your country. Yes, where will all this lead to?

Marabeth said...

It is all very discouraging, isnt it? But amidst it all, you have managed to, once again, capture some hauntingly beautiful images that seem to reflect the mood of the people.

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

always keeping you & your country in my thoughts

Seamaiden said...

Day by day, Ariadne...just hang on to the beauty and blessings you are surrounded with, and let your considerable light shine...praying for you and your compatriots, and sending much love your way...

Margie Oomen said...

i as well have been keeping you , your family and your people in my heart this week