Here are a couple of photos.
Unfortunately there was an awful orange coloured hue on the sea surface. I am not sure what it was.
It could be a painting if it is not environmental pollution!
I only had a salad and some sweet red wine.
Outside the New Municipality Building there is a poster of Thessaloniki being the candidate city of European Youth Capital of 2014.
That's my new pendant, a gift from my friend Margrit in Istanbul. You will read about her in the Istanbul 3 blogpost when I write it.
And since the blue wall of the Municipality Building is beautiful I had some pics taken.
I have seen models being photographed there.Not that I am a model but you can have fun with my clothing!Dior sun glasses 7euros and Street Fashion Prune Style bag 12 euros bought from street sellers.(I know I shouldn't be supporting that type of trade but they are the ones whose goods I can afford.)
Olsen Key West blouse 8 euros from a friend's stock of seconds.Jeans 7 euros from last year's Aghios Mamas open market.(That's a big open market that takes place for a week in September near my summer house).Boots Voi&Noi 24 euros and I love them!
In case you are looking for some beautiful artwork of Latin American artists you can have a look at LAMA. They are closing down and are having 70 % off. I had bought two exclusive Geninne prints from them and two felt birds by Tanya Aguiniga and they are lovely.
Also there is a great fourth blogversary giveaway of dear Edgar in Blacksheep's bit of the web so maybe you want to take part.
Have a great first of May!