Monday 8 June 2015

Reading challenge 2015- May

I only read two books this month again for the Reading challenge of So little sleeping and so much reading.
First The Cave by Jose Saramago for the Nobel Prize winner Category. That was an excellent book. I bought it for half a euro at the Merimna bazaar and it was so worth it. I haven't read any other Saramago books but I hope I will. He was fantastic!
Then My dog Skip by Willie Morris for the category that includes an animal on the cover or as a protagonist! I wasn't impressed but as much as I know this has also become a movie and it might be funny to watch it.
One of my previous book photos is shown on the blog of So little sleeping and so much reading in this post.
Anyway I have already read 13 books out of the 24 I am asked to read for the readathon and I am in my 14th!I am really happy!Especially because I always read more in summer!So I am planning to finish the readathon by the end of summer!
And here is another book I found by chance in a small second hand bookstore.It's Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever. It is in excellent condition and I loved all the colourful pages!It will be used at school for sure!


Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Φαίνονται πολύ ενδιαφέροντα βιβλία !!!Λατρεύω κι εγώ το διάβασμα και θα ήθελα να αφιερώνω περισσότερο χρόνο σ αυτό. Πολλά χαιρετίσματα !!!!

Thalia Tzellou said...

Όλα τα βιβλία πρέπει να είναι πολύ ενδιαφέροντα Αριάδνη μου! Το τελευταίο για τα παιδάκια του σχολείου θα είναι ότι πρέπει!Φιλάκια πολλά και να περνάτε όμορφα!!

zina said...

οκ...το ομολογω...εχω πολλα βιβλια στα αγγλικα αλλα δεν τα εχω ανοιξει ποτε! δε νοιωθω ανετα να τα διαβασω γιατι πολυ απλα προσπαθω να κανω τη μεταφραση στο μυαλο μου...οποτε απλα χανω την ουσια! και ειμαι σιγουρη οτι ετσι χανω και πολλα υπεροχα βιβλια!

Frances said...

I don't read much, but I always hope to start one day!!
However, Willie Morris is from Mississippi--where I live! He died several years ago, but he is very loved and honored in our state. I have not read My Dog Skip, but I have seen the movie--it is such a sweet movie--you must try to find it and see it! You will love it! It was filmed near where I live and we saw the actors, filming, etc in the small town of Canton, Mississippi. The dog that plays Skip is the same dog that played Eddie on the tv show Frasier, if you have ever seen that show!
Your dog looks so sweet in the picture!!!! I love his eyes!

AppleApricot Wen said...

Lol, Barca doesn't look much impressed by the book either :) But the illustrations, oh they're so wonderful, they've been among my favorite books when I was a child. Correction, they're still among my favorites ;) I'm still very much admiring the beautiful green felted stone that I have from you. Hope you'll make many more! Sending you happy smiles, Wendy