Tuesday 16 June 2015

A book binding workshop

Last Saturday there was one more In My Closet workshop by sweet Anna in her cozy kitchen.
This time it was something we had expected for some time now.
A book binding workshop by the talented Eleanna of Aouts-pins blog.
As book binding needs patience, skill and time we were invited to split into two groups, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I chose Saturday, made some olive muffins and went happy that it would be great! And it was!
We were eight people. Eleanna was the teacher, and Anna was the hostess who made us amazing frapuccinos and a great lemon sorbet!
The two ladies had arranged and prepared the book binding kits with all the needed tools and fabric and papers.
Also there were Georgia,Kikitsa of DIYMyDay blog, Elsa, Christina  of Celdeconail, and Angeliki of pocolocini.
And of course Vasso of metodahtilostovaso brought sweets!
First we chose the fabric we liked.
That's mine and then we were taught the technique!
Eleanna made things easy for us and we understood all the instructions.
The results were fantastic! We all made great notebooks.
Here's mine.
If you want to make one just read Eleanna's blogpost here.
Anna and Eleanna thank you again for a great workshop!
But the weekend was not over.
On Sunday we went to see what the antique market had to offer at their flea market.

I didn't buy anything as I didn't find something to really really want!
Of course coffee with the family followed.
And then I made Chinese food at my wok! Delicious!
On Sunday evening I attended an amateur group theatrical performance at our neighbourhood church where many old colleagues and mothers of former pupils took part!It was a hilarious play and we really enjoyed it!


Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Πολύ όμορφες και ενδιαφέρουσες αυτές οι συναντήσεις !!!!Το σημειωματάριό σου έγινε πολύ ωραίο !!!
Οι επισκέψεις στα παλιατζίδικα.... το καλύτερό μου !!!!
Πολλά χαιρετίσματα !!!!

Decor Asylum said...

Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα η βιβλιοδεσία! Αλλά και το παζάρι γεμάτο θησαυρούς. Έμεινα να χαζεύω την παλιά ζυγαριά :)

in my closet said...

Περάσαμε όμορφα και κάναμε πολύ όμορφα τετράδια! Πολλά μπράβο στην Ελεάννα που είχε τόση υπομονή να μας δείξει και να μας μάθει.

Akamatra said...

Πόσες φορές να πω πια οτι ζηλευω τα μαζεματα σας και τις κατασκευες σας??? Οι φωτος σου τελειες!

Mii Stitch said...

That little workshop look so nice & your olive muffins must have been so tasty :) Another great weekend for you & your family!

zina said...

του περασατε κολλα Αριαδνη??? κατσε να δω την αναρτηση. τελειο βγηκε! ευγε κοριτσια!

και το μπαζαρ φαινεται απιστευτο!!!!

kathyinozarks said...

Hi, you are always doing such fun and interesting things. I would have loved your book binding class-thanks so much for the link to her blog. Have an awesome weekend

Purple Pixie Dust said...

I love olives can I have the recipe for your olive muffins. Great fabrics for binding the books. love the little workshop. hugs Lynda Ruth Jasmine_Ms.Button@hotmail.com

Vasiliki said...

Πολύ ωραίο το δέσιμο σου, την άλλη φορά υπόσχομαι να είμαι εκεί!

Sheryl said...

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Your book fabric is gorgeous.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

The book binding workshop must have been very interesting.

Thalia Tzellou said...

Πολύ ωραίες οι συναντήσεις σας Αριάδνη μου!! Περνάτε όμορφα και δημιουργείτε υπέροχα έργα!! Μπράβο!! Αχ, αυτά τα παζάρια είναι η αδυναμία μου!!