Sunday 19 April 2015

The second week of the Easter holidays.

As we were busy with the doctors' appointments all this week, we didn't have time for much else. Apart from doing house chores,
we walked the seafront promenade a lot, us and thousands of others, enjoying the magnificent views,

I made egg salad following a recipe I found in this blog.It is a good way to use up Easter eggs, Add boiled eggs, shredded carrots, red pepper, dill, green onions, mustard, mayonaise, salt and pepper, olive oil and apple vinegar.Delicious!
I prepared some mail to post next week,
I got prepared for school that starts tomorrow,
I put away the Easter decorations and decorated my big table for spring,
we went to IKEA for some frames we needed,one for this oil painting a friend of mine made for me,
 and one for the watercolour I bought from Dimitra of Decorasylum, and her etsy shop,
I made some soap following this recipe by Zina of Efzin Creations here,
I used olive oil soap base, lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil and yellow food colouring as well as a bit of lavender flowers from Portugal.
 I liquidized the soap base in the microwave, added the rest of the ingredients and poured into the soap molds.You have to do the pouring very quickly!
 Here they are, so easy, great looking, smelling wonderful!
We went to the beach house,
and had coffee with the family.
Whoever starts school tomorrow, have a great new start!


Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

The sea glass looks good I have made soap Looks like fun and I love lavender

DIMI said...

You sure had a great time Ariadni!!Love the sunset shots and the salad!!!Have a happy week!

Thalia Tzellou said...

Αριάδνη μου τι υπέροχες φωτογραφίες είναι αυτές με το ηλιοβασίλεμα!!! Η σαλάτα με τα αυγά πρέπει να είναι νοστιμότατη!! Αχ, εσύ έβαλες και ανοιξιάτικη διακόσμηση, τι ωραία! Εγώ ακόμη με τα Πασχαλινά είμαι. Πιστεύω σήμερα να προλάβω να ξεστολίσω που λείπει και η Γεωργία στο σχολείο και έχω ησυχία. Η ελαιογραφία και το έργο της Δήμητρας εξαιρετικά!!! Τα σαπουνάκια φαίνονται καταπληκτικά και πως θα μοσχοβολούν!! Καλό ξεκίνημα στο σχολείο, φιλάκια πολλά!!!

zina said...

Η σαλατα απιστευτη!!!! θα την κανω αποψε γιατι λατρευω οτι υλικο εχεις βαλει μεσα! και οι φωτο σου...μας ταξιδεψαν παλι :)

τα σαπουνακια καλα? θα δοκιμασω και εγω με αλοη την επομενη φορα!

και το φτεροπουλο και ο πινακας...ανεπαναληπτα!!!


Anonymous said...

What gorgeous photos, the beach looks lovely.
I like your spring table!
The soap looks great and the frames are perfect for your paintings.
Happy Monday Ariadne x

Decor Asylum said...

Γέμισες μπαταρίες Αριάδνη! Οι φωτογραφίες του ηλιοβασιλέματος, υπέροχες. Την σαλάτα την ζήλεψα αλλά ήδη έδωσα όλα τα αυγά στις ψιψινέλες!!!
Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για την αναφορά και την υποστήριξη. Καλή εβδομάδα και καλή επάνοδο στη δουλειά!

Christina(ArtDecorationCrafting) said...

Υπέροχες οικογενειακές στιγμές που τις αποτυπώνεις τέλεια με το φωτογραφικό σου φακό Αριάδνη μου. Και του χρόνου. Καλή εβδομάδα

Sarah in Stitches said...

Your soap looks amazing! I have a small obsession with soap, so I'm very impressed :D

Tante Kiki said...

Μα τί υπέροχες φωτογραφίες είναι αυτές;;; Πρέπει να περάσατε υπέροχα!!
Και του χρόνου!!!
Καλή εβδομάδα!

Anastasia said...

Lovely photos Ariadne - love the ones taken at dusk, you must be looking forward to the warmer days! The soap looks great and easy enough. Ive never tried to make soap but was always intrigued especially by this one Ive had bookmarked for years now

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I'm lucky enough to have this week as spring break!

eleanna said...

You did it! Your soaps look great ;) It's been a very long time since i last enjoyed a walk by the seafront... * I hope you are done with doctors

Maggie said...

What a great week you had full of good times, the soap looks fab, well done!

OnePerfectDay said...

Such great photos at the beach at dusk!!
That soap looks wonderful too.

Sparky said...

I can feel the warmth in your lovely was your outing...thank you for the tour...
mdm samm

Sara said...

Your sunset pictures are gorgeous! I wish I could go for a walk near the sea. Your soap also looks good and it makes me happy to know the lavender was from Portugal!

Kaisievic said...

Wow! You have been having a great time - love all of the pics of the sea promenade. Your soap looks marvellous.

Kaisievic said...

P.S. I hope that school started well for you.