Saturday 18 April 2015

A day at the beach!

At last, after fifteen days of hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, diets, drugs, lots of water and drinks,lots of pain, lots of anxiety and finally a lithotripsy, hubby is feeling much better thank you! And thank you all for your get well wishes.
So today we decided to go to our beach house for a quick day trip and to relax a bit.
The sun was shining!

First we checked the house and put some things in order.
I also put the little seascape painting of Georgia in its right place.There among the beautiful treasures from the States.
Then we went down to the beach! The sea was rough and dirty.
But Barca loved it and went in of course!
The sea had destroyed part of our beach in the winter. Hopefully it will be fixed as every summer.
I tried to collect a bit of sea glass but there wasn't much!
But the goodbye kiss of the beach was wonderful! A lovely round thick white piece.
Back at home I looked at all of my loot.
I even spotted my first poppy of the season!
We of course had to finish this beautiful day with a great dinner out at Argonautes in Potidea. Great food with great views of the sea.
Steamed mussels, "married" sardines (sardines stuffed with tomato and pepper), squid with onions, deep fried aubergines, wild green leaves, and tsipouro of course!
Barca was a sweetheart and wasn't car sick at all which made us very very happy!
A great day! We really needed it! Hope you have a great weekend too friends!


Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Ελπίζω όλα να είναι τώρα καλά. Πολύ ωραία η βόλτα που μας πήγες στη θάλασσα και οι θυσαυροί μπορεί να μην είναι πολλοί, είναι όμως εκλεκτοί καισίγουρα θα τους αξιοποιήσεις θαυμάσια !!!! Η θαλασσινή γωνιά σου τέλεια, με γεια και το κάδρο της Γεωργίας που είναι βέβαια τέλειο !!!! Καλή Κυριακή !!!

Poppy said...

Sorry to hear about your hubby, but glad he's on the mend! Your trip to the beach, with its pretty sea glass and tasty seafood, looks like the perfect remedy!

Happy Sunday!


Marie-Anne said...

Τέλος καλό, όλα καλά, περαστικά στον συζυγό σου ! (έκανε και ο δικός μου λιθοτριψία πριν από χρόνια και τα ξέρω!). Σας άξιζε η ωραία εκδρομούλα στο εξοχικό σας! Πολύ ωραίες οι φωτογραφίες σου! Καλή Κυριακή!!!!!

Frances said...

Beautiful photos, as always!
Your dog looks so sweet--especially looking at the food!
I'm glad your husband is better--I've had lithotripsy before--it makes everything better quickly!

Vicki Boster said...

Goodness-- what a beautiful post. It's so wonderful to see the beach and all its treasures-- there is nothing like being where the wind blows across the waves:)
I'm anxious to return to our little beach home also-- I love to look for beach glass too!

Unknown said...

Great that Themis is feeling much better, it must be a relief for you,too!And that you enjoyed a nice day at the beach!

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Hope you husband get will soon It is no fun to be feeling bad.
Do you have two homes one by the sea?
I like the sea so much. I live in the US In the State of North Dakota If you look at a map it is far north
We have lakes but nothing else.
There is not much there except a lot of farms and now oil well . No big cites
The food looks good too but I have never had any.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Glad that your husband is feeling better. A weekend by the seaside will have really helped him relax too.
Looks like your dog is waiting very patiently for their share of the food!

Thalia Tzellou said...

Χαίρομαι Αριάδνη μου που το πρόβλημα υγείας πέρασε. Γερός και δυνατός να είναι! Εχω κάνει κι εγώ τέσσερις λιθοτριψίες πριν 15 χρόνια και ξέρω καλά την ταλαιπωρία. Υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες από το εξοχικό και την παραλία!! Ο Μπάρκα δείχνει να διασκέδασε πολύ! Ο πίνακας της Αχτίδας είναι φανταστικός! Φιλάκια πολλά και να περνάτε πάντα όμορφα!!

zina said...

μυρισε Καλοκαιρακι!!!! να περνατε παντα καλα κουκλα!

Mii Stitch said...

Glad your hubby is feeling better.
A day away to your seaside house was the best way to celebrate! Lovely view, great food and cutie little dog :)